incredible thing happened in cafeteria

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There was a time last year,
when English exchange students were all over my school.
I was really excited of getting to know them, but something happened,
I'd never thought would be possible.

Nothing special had happened before on that day. I woke up, got dressed,
grabbed my bag and breakfast and went out to the bus stop near my house.
Like every morning I missed the bus, which was kind of impossible
because I needed 3 minutes to get to the bus stop from my room.
However I had to go by bike if I didn't want to be late. I cycled to school, annoyed at missing the bus again, and had arrived in my classroom just at the time the lesson started. My timing was getting better. We worked on an English sketch about Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' in the first two lessons and later went out to the schoolyard in the break. I went to the cafeteria with some friends to buy some food, when the indescribable thing happened.
I still start to shake when I talk about it...

There was this English boy who I had already seen in one of the corridors in school.
He was talking to the waitress.
I first meant no harm by it, but then all of a sudden
I realized what was going on right in front of my eyes.
The boy had just ordered one of those bread rolls they sell in the cafeteria.
When the waitress, who didn't seem to understand English that well,
asked him if he would want ONE of it, everything fell into place!
I wanted to avoid a panic, but didn't know how to manage the situation myself.
I was on the brink of going crazy.
The queue in front of the counter started to whisper...
The boy slowly leant forward and opened his mouth.
I knew what was going to happen next... and I was scared to death.
I wanted to stop him, but it was too late.
Everyone was quiet, when he said the words nobody had expected:
'Ja, eins.'


Ja, eins.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt