CHAPTER 4: Listen To Me

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Woke up early on a Saturday morning and I know that you're probably thinking I'm mental. Saturdays are for sleep and relaxation but not this Saturday. I was going to call Pedro and we would meet up and I will tell him everything, from there we will make our plans. I walk through the halls and into the bathroom, whilst taking my shower I hear loud shouts but choose to ignore them.

Once out my siblings charge at me.
"Rose, could you look after the girls today." My brother,, asked with a quiet voice that was both needy and sweet.
"Sorry but no. I already have plans and will be leaving any moment from now." I turned to my room when my sisters Maddie and Aria grabbed me.

"No, stay with us!" They screamed.
"Let go of me before I get to 3. If I do hmm I will put you in sacks and beat you until you're minced meat for your friends to eat." I was obviously joking but they got the message and backed down.

I got into my clothes and left the house. I called Pedro and asked where we could meet up. We agreed on a cafe nearby and I hurried to get there. Getting in I immediately smell the sweet scent of freshly made goodies. I was ready to dig in. To the reader, I'm sorry couldn't leave any treats for ya.

Pedro arrives shortly after and we order our food. We both had cappuccinos and raisin muffins. I took a bit into my muffin and a sip of my cappuccino. I stared at Pedro for a bit and decided to know what he was thinking. I read his mind again.
'I wonder why she called, maybe she wanted to talk or maybe she wanted to date me. Stop man she don't like you like that, right.' I stop listening and we chat for a bit.

I couldn't take it anymore and I spoke up.
"Pedro, there is something I have been meaning to tell you." I paused "I can read minds." He laughed and said really then what am I thinking right now. I stared for a bit before replying.
"You are thinking that I can't read your mind and that your muffin was a bit underdone but you don't want to be rude. Oh and in the back of your mind you want to ask the girl you like on a date."

Pedro was speechless, he didn't even blink. His eyes did all the talking,'What','How','Why'. I tried to chill him down.
"I know its crazy, it  happened after the accident and you might not want to be friends with me because I can read minds, but before you leave I really need your help." I paused taking in a large breath and just as I was going to continue Pedro put his hand over mine. He gave me a nod and I was reassured. Guys, in all seriousness, help I'm blushing like mad.

"In class I heard Violets thoughts and um her parents are mafia bosses." I spoke and quietly as I could hoping Pedro won't run out. I looked up to him and his eyes were wide and I mean basket ball wide.

"That's a lot to take in. So you called me to help you defeat them. Seems fun." I stood up to hug him, we have only known each other for a few weeks but he is already one of the most important people to me.

We finished our meal and left. Hand in hand and walking through a park. I felt way too  many butterflies floating in my tummy. We got on a bench and started to plan things out. Pedro looked around to see if anybody was around.

"Alright, We are two 15 year old kids......" I interrupted his speech, "I'm actually 14." He nods then continues," 15, the other 14.....who want to take down one of the biggest Mafia bosses in the world but we can do it using your mind reading........and Violet."

I immediately knew that he wanted me to  befriend Violet which is definitely going to be difficult. We decided to get to the police station before doing anything. It turns out that Pedro had bike. He got on it and told me to get on. I sat behind him making sure not to touch him in the slightest way.

"You know, you have to hug me so that at you don't fall, right."
"Yeah but I can manage its alright." I was obviously lying to myself and Pedro started the bike. As he started to speed away I grabbed him tightly. I hope I didn't strangle him.
"Told ya." Pedro said with a chuckle.

We rode down town to the police station. My heart pounding out of my chest when I realized how close I was to him. He seemed not to mind and I could feel the warmth of his body on mine. I felt at ease and calm, something told me to read his mind and I chose to. 'She is so close, she smells like strawberries, is she holding me cause she likes me, wait what am I thinking.' I force myself to stop listening as we got close to the station. My fave turning slightly pink.

We got to the station and I basically ran in, and now I realize that it was disrespectful. I got in and got to the first cop I could find. Still panting I blurted out, "I found a couple that is connected to the  Mafia." I didn't have to turn around to tell that all the officers were staring at me. The cop I talked to said, "Sweety, you know that it is bad for you to smoke at a young age." He pushed me and Pedro out with out even listening.

Before we got to the door I listened to their thoughts to know what they felt about my statement.
'Poor girl, she must be mentally abused .'
'This child has been taking to much liquor .'
'Interesting .'

Once Pedro and I were outside we decided to head back home before it got to late. He dropped me of at home and I waved as he drove of. I didn't know what we were going to do but it and to be fast.

At school the next day, Pedro and I ate lunch together and he tried to get me to got over to Violet. No matter how much I tried he didn't let me win. I stood up taking my tray and went over to Violet's table. I could already hear the thoughts of other and they all said the same thing, 'what is she doing .'

Once I got to Violet's table she gave me the stare. I faced the ground before speaking to catch and the nerve I had to talk to her.

"Um hey Violet, so I know we haven't spoken like friends before but I am here to apologise and make things right." I wasn't sure what she would reply and I read her thoughts. I didn't hear much bit all I know is that she didn't want to ruin her reputation. She then let me sit with her and her 'followers'.

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