Chapter 1

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Clutching my pillow tightly,I laid on the bed suppressing my cries while my eyes told a different story.I can hear the laughter and joy of my parents of my result.The fact that I was excited to attend entrance to DTU and now I'm a crying mess.

What did I do to deserve this pain?Stayed loyal?

Never believe a man I repeat never!

"Dhwani,what are you doing inside,open the door" Mom knocked

Wiping my eyes quickly,I jumped off bed and straightened my figure before opening the door.

"Is everything alright?You're not happy?"

"Yes Amma it's just umm.. I've got a headache"

Headache from a man

"Oh I see I'll give you a balm and tablet ok,you'll be fine soon"

"Ok Amma"

I shut the door quickly when she left leaving me on the shithole.
Maybe I should forget everything and look forward in life.


"I told you he was an asshole na?" Neha fumed

Well I deserve this.She always told me how lame he was and now here we are.

Neha is with me from childhood.She was always there when I needed her the most.Even if we studied in different college,different courses we talked whenever time allowed.As a final year fashion designing student she was really busy with her stuffs.But it's all worth it like she says everytime.

"Did you saw that mf doing stuff" She asked

"Ew,no I found out from his phone"

"What did you see?" She raised her eyebrows

"Come on Neha I can't say that"

"Why?First of all,you're not a thing anymore.Second of all,I never acknowledged you with that asshole" She raised her voice

"Shh quiet down this is a temple premise you idiot"

"Then tell me"

I don't know how to say.It feel so weird to describe how I caught some other girl's pic on my ex-boyfriend's phone.

"Well we were at the college library,and he forget his phone accidentally.When he left to washroom,he got so many messages.I opened it and.. "

"And??" She whispered

"And I-I saw nudes,not just one girl but so many." A tear escaped my eyes

"Asswipe.Hey hey hey don't waste your tears for some lunatics ok,wipe it girl he don't deserve it"

I nodded my head

I should forget everything but the moments I spend with him was swirling around.Even if we broke up a month ago,the memories came back always.I didn't wanted to dump all my sadness to her while she was at Pune.

"I know what you're thinking,quit it"Neha said nonchalantly


"By the way I'm so happy for you babe!When are you leaving to Delhi?"

"Next week I think"

"Aha who knows there's some North guy waiting for you?" She wiggled her eyebrows

"Oh shut up,they don't even like my ass"I laughed a little.

"I'm 80% sure there would be an ass-guy who will definitely like your pretty peach"

"Shut up" I hit her shoulder "what about the rest 20?"

"Hmm I think I should give them time to like you"

I don't know why I laughed at her lame joke but I needed this.I needed happiness in my life.I don't waste my time for some guy.

I don't like buying so much clothes but I bought more than my liking because of Neha.Six pairs of sweaters,eight crop tops,seven kurtis and five pairs of underwears lol.'You needed this' like she said.

We were currently eating at a cafe in the mall.I was typing something on my phone not to zone off while she was biting her burger.

My eyes widened suddenly as I saw something,someone actually.

"Wh-at?" She asked mouthful "Melvin?"

I nodded

"Let's go I really wanna have few words with him"

"No no finish this ok"

"Look Dhwani,I need to talk to that asshole and don't worry about the food,I'll carry it home.

She wrapped the food left and rushed towards the door.I don't know what's going to happen.

"Oi sweetcheeks" Neha yelled

I can see him turning his head before eyes widening.Us were the last people he wanted to see.

"What do you want?" He asked not looking at me

"I should be asking that to you? What you wanted actually? Girls? Then why were you been with her in the first place?" She rolled her eyes

"Neha let's go" I pulled her arm but she retreated

"Listen girl,I've no time to talk with people like you"Melvin raised his voice

Just like the way he used to scold me for doing combined study with Aaron or how he scolded me for not talking too much 'things' like he wished for.Probably that's the reason why he went for another-

"Like we've.I just wanted to see your stupid face so that I can thank God my friend left this garbage can finally"

"Hey you bitch shut the fuck up or-

"Quit it you piece of poop,go and show off to your harlots." Neha was beyond mad

"Listen bitch-

"Oh fuck off dude" She literally flipped him off and left there with me.

Omg I can't believe what just happened.

"Neha,what did you just do?"

She said nothing but walked out of the mall,holding my hand.I wish I had her confidence.

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