Chapter 4

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It took a week for all of us to get to know better.Dev was aggressive to everyone especially those who came on his way.But he's very helpful.He's definitely have a soft spot inside that he's covered with his aggressive nature.He's always fighting with Dhwani.It looks funny sometimes.

She is a nice girl.I really felt bad for her when Dev did that on opening day.
We became friends after all but he didn't like her talking with me I guess.

I laughed a little thinking how she said we've 'bromance'.

Now I've to plan for fresher's day arrangements as per Mr.John's instruction and I can choose anyone to help me out,obviously I chose Dhwani.It was a great choice that she helped me.Dev wasn't interested in the program and of course Dhwani too.

It was late afternoon and we had a free hour so me and Dhwani were sitting on a bench discussing about stuffs,Dev long way gone the moment she came.

"Is this chart ok?" She asked me

"Lemme see.. hmm it's perfect thank you yaar" I smiled

"Don't mention please"

We arranged everything in order and Dhwani got a call that she ignored at first.

"You can pick it up"

"It's my best friend,it's ok I'll call her later"

"Oh come on I don't mind"

"... Ok" She smiled

But she look so tensed and nervous.

"Any problem?"

"Uh no no"

Then she took the call and the screen was black.

"Neha,where are you I can't see you" I heard while typing on my laptop.I didn't want to be the intruder.

"Oh wait a minute video is paused." A female voice echoed and I ignored the urge to look at the screen.Even though I side eyed the screen was black.

"Okay,didn't you have class today?"

"I've but red army came yaar" She moaned

Umm.. Why is she moaning? And what is this red army anyway?

I sat there confused

"Uh- Neha should I hang up?"

"Huh why so rude?let me wear this underwear first."

My eyes widened a little but I pretended like I didn't heard anything.

Dhwani turned to me and mouthed 'I'm sorry"

I smiled sheepishly as there was a pause on the screen.

"You wanna meet her?" She asked me lowly

"Why not" I don't know why I was kinda nervous

"Okkk here I come wohooo.. Hi bab-

Finally I saw the owner of the voice.The first thing came to my mind was nothing,it's absolutely blank.All three of us looked each other horrified before she ran behind the screen making a sound.The girl was in a towel wrapped around her.Shit

"Oh hi I'm so sorry" She came back now with a big sweater on

"How are you?"Dhwani asked her

"I'm good... Who's this? She asked,her face red with embarrassment

"This is my friend,Aayush"


I don't know why I'm blushing.

"Hi" I waved at her

"Hlo,I'm sorry"

"It's ok" I said

Dhwani talked five more minutes and hung up the call.Her friend Neha is different from her,I actually kinda liked it and it scares me now.Something about her is so alluring.She also told me that Dhwani is a classical dancer.

We discussed some more and I wrote her name for dance as she refused first but accepted later.


I couldn't pay attention I don't know why.This assignment need to submit day after tomorrow and I've to write not just one but two.

"You done?" Dev came to the room

"Man I'm not a robot,Lemme complete mine first then I'll do yours"

"Oh you got smart mouth I see,must got that from that brat"

"Hey she's nice why are you so rude with her?"

"Oh lover boy got angry?" He chuckled

"Come on yaar,she's like a sister"

"Whatever but you two fits and I saw you were thinking about someone"

"Uh-me? N-no I mean yeah I was struggling to complete this" I said

This guy

"Hmm I know,good luck." He left to bed

Idiot didn't even help me to do this.

Well he was right I was thinking neither about assignment nor Dhwani...

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