What am I even doing?

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Theo has never been in love; he's never cared about a woman as more than a friend. He had flings and fun but always just that fun. They only wanted power or position or my looks. The women he had slept with were shallow. But he was learning to feel for the first time.

Orion. She was different. Sure, that could be the bond talking, but really. She was different.


I felt like an idiot for acting like that with her. What was wrong with me? If she doesn't hate me yet. I hate me now. I didn't plan on these feelings or all of this shit that's happened. I still can't believe I have a wife that literally turns purple when she's pissed. She's also pretty violent and I don't know why that really turns me on , but it does. I wonder how good she is with those daggers she had on her legs. We're they for show. That blow she landed on my dick was ruthless. I don't think any girl's ever kicked me in the dick, except my maybe my brother Talon's wife Gwen when we were kids. This princess was nothing like I expected her to be. She didn't let her parents tell her what to do. She lived her life how she pleased accepting the consequences. That was rare.

She was more beautiful than than the rumors. The confidence she had walking into that room looking as messy as she did, I don't know many women at court who would ever be seen walking a round the palace grounds like that. They were obsessed with being beautiful. But most elves were so can't really say much. But not her, she walked into her fathers office with fucking dirt on her face.

In one conversation she almost had me on my knees begging just to hold her hand. She had me at my breaking point. I've never wanted anyone so much in my life. I couldn't explain the desperation my body felt to be closer to her. It was everything I could do not to just strip her right there as she talked back to me like that. I wasn't used to that back home. If someone spoke to me like that I'd have had their tongue.

Gods what was wrong with me? Why am I feeling so damn pathetic. And to think she rejected me. Right off rips. I've never had a girl reject me. What didn't she like about me? I've never had to beg for anything from a girl. They were always lining up for a chance. It was insane, but she had me so intrigued, excited. I've always loved a challenge. Just you wait little bunny I will catch you. The gods themselves say you were meant to be with me. Meant to be mine. And you will. You will be MINE.

No one and nothing will stop me from having you.



After such a long shitty day, I jumped on my bed arms sprawled out. Looking up at my ceiling I looked at a map of our stars that were plastered across the sky. Growing up I remember counting each star when I was in trouble, which was a lot, it always had a way to make things better. Soon enough I found sleep and the problems of today will be the problems of tomorrow.

*knock knock*

Startled, jumping out a dead sleep.

*knock* "Rion it's Alderic, when you're decent can I'd like to talk" guilt layering his voice.

Deep with a sigh he knocks again. "Rion, please"

I walk over to the door in the same clothes as yesterday. And swing the door wide open.

"Here big brother let me open the door for you" I said with a sarcastic tone obviously irritated with him neglecting to tell me anything about the previous day's events. Like my freaking engagement. The irritation I felt made the power inside me vibrate.

Alderic stepped aside walking around me avoiding my reach, taking a seat in my sitting area. "Orion I'm sorry, you know I can't resist a royal command. None if us can, I was sworn not to speak to anyone. I had only found out that morning he would be here with their answer."

"Really, and you think because mom told you to keep it a secret you thought I shouldn't know my own future?" I was yelling before breakfast. Great start. Yay team! Rolling my eyes at the pained expression on his face.

"Rion, please, it was my mother who made the request, but it was the command of my queen. And you know as well as I do, you can't resist a true command. If I could trade places I would. I am sorry. It's not fair. But I will be there to back you, support you, and if he bullies you, we can just kill him"

Yeah, sure lot of good that support you talk about did for me. I was still blind sight he'd by the fact marriage was even currently a prospect. But I kept that to myself.

"I'm really done talking now, please leave and on your way out, tell Marcy I'd like my breakfast in my room today I won't be eating in the dining hall with everyone else and to bring it to me herself when it is ready."

Alderic agreed, recognizing this as me asking polity to leave. Picking up the hint he did so without argument.

Closing the door behind him, I flopped back on my bed. What was up with that power surge I felt? I know my magic has been growing, but I didn't think that much. I've never glowed purple or almost lost myself like that. It wasn't long before Marcy showed up with breakfast and her lovely company. And if I needed anyone right now it was definitely Marcy. Marcy was my maidservant and  my governess as a child. I needed a hug from her.

"Orion I'm coming in" Marcy walks through the door with no knock. She was the only person, besides my best friend Sera, who would be allowed to do that and and not have a dagger thrown at their head. I wasn't really mean, but I had a quick temper and pretty unforgiving. As the only princess, I was a target by so many who would do me harm, a way to hurt my family. It was the only reason me family allowed me to focus so hard on training. I had to be able to protect myself. So I was always ready to defend myself if I was attacked, and then I also just really Ike my privacy and don't appreciate it being invaded without my permission.

I look up with wet eyes when Marcy walked in with a pile of pancakes on a plate. I can smell the maple syrup.

"Marcy..." was all I managed to say before she had placed the breakfast on the table and rushed to me.

I had walked back sitting in the same spot in my receiving area after my brother had left waiting for Marcy. When Marcy rushed over she took my head into her arms, pressing my ear to her chest. Her heart beat always soothed me. I stayed there silent as the tears built up inside me but found no exit. Just holding her in my arms as the tears leaked from my ears dampening her dress.

She just held me petting my head. "It's going to be okay sweetie; it's going to be okay"

We stayed like that for a few minutes. Before releasing my head and lowering her arms. She stood back up "alright, enough tears, big girls don't cry right?" She said with a soft and warm smile.

"You're right" I bring my head up with a slight smile as she wipes the moistness from under my eyes. She goes to the closet and picks me out my favorite training vest. The purple one with the scales of a sky dragon. Dragon scales were the hardest substance you could mold into armor. It was also beautiful and glittered like diamonds whenever light hit it. Purple was always my favorite color.

"Your mother has graciously cancelled all of your studies today, except for your magic ones after lunch. Which she said she would hold with you" Marcy said "your brothers are at your stomping grounds waiting for you to stomp them into the dirt." Knowing this would make me smile she laid out my clothes and walked toward the door. "I'll be watching today so give me a good show"

Watching? Marcy never watched; she was always anxious I'd get hurt...

"Why would you be watching?"

"Because your brothers want to distract you from your problems so they agreed to train with you. Lady Sera asked if asked me to accompany her to watch you put a beat down on your brothers. I agreed. So don't let me down." Marcy answered as she continued to gather my things for today. "Now eat your breakfast, you don't want to be too late."

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