11. The Call

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Why the fuck hasn't he called me!

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Why the fuck hasn't he called me!

I check my watch again as if he was supposed to call at a certain time, or somehow it now magically has a countdown clock of the total number of hours since I heard from him. He asked if he could see me in a couple of days—it's been almost a week and not a single peep!

God, it was so hard sending Charlie out of the house on New Year's Day. All I wanted to do was get back to the part of the story we started the night before. But with my shitty luck, my body put a period on that with a big-ole Capital P. Two freaking days early! No cramps, no warning, just the distinctive feeling you're about to ruin sheets. What the actual fuck! A tampon was not what I had planned on inserting that morning.

Damn it. Why did I drink so much?

After a quick shower, coffee in hand, and my headache slightly subsiding, I found Sleeping Beauty, eyes still closed on his side, my black kitties on the foot of the bed assessing him. He was so dang cute, peacefully sleeping.

My eyebrows drew together, trying far harder than should be necessary to produce a memory as to why I'd been putting up such a fight with him. Inky and Onyx turned to scowl at me at that exact moment as if to question my dull-headedness.

Ah, yes. He's annoying as sin—or was he? And he's got player written all over him—or does he?

Huh. My forehead tightened again. Maybe I didn't know quite what I thought of him anymore.

Beans rubbed his orange head on my leg, diverting my attention from my train wreck of thoughts. Then he waddled up to the bed and, with an astounding leap for his size, landed on the mattress. Charlie murmured and rolled onto his back. Beans looked up at me with almost a sly smile as if to say... but is there any harm in having some fun with him, Leigh? And then he proceeded to knead his crotch area, which was a sure sign that he approved of this one.

No, I concluded. I can keep him at bay. Just one of my no-feelings, just sex sorta things. One of us will get bored eventually, and that will be the end of it. But before it ends... I want to get a piece of this American cutie pie.

So I turned him out straight after breakfast, leaving him wanting more with a smoldering kiss he wouldn't soon forget about, and to be honest... neither would I.

I told him I would need space, but fuck, not even forty-eight hours later, I was already craving contact with him again. I practically had to repeat the mantra: I will not call him. I will wait till he calls me.

WTF! He's the over-eager one, not me! What kind of example would I be setting if I texted him the very next day? He'd start calling all the time and suffocating me. Or worse... what if I looked like the desperate one out of the two of us? What if he's the one that gets turned off? The urge to text with him was strong, but the possible flip in power was a cost too high to bear.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21 ⏰

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