Chapter 2

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After this Emily friend Adelaide encouraged her to register complaint against Ethan and his group, so she decided to do so

Emily POV

I stood outside the principal's office, my heart racing with fear. Just wait you Ethan, you are in big trouble now, Surely I won't run into Ethan this time, right? That jerk won't go to school so early in morning.

Why my heart is beating so fast even though Ethan isn't here, she thought as she notice her hands are trembling in fear as she remember the event when Ethan throw her phone against wall and hurt her in front of whole school.

She said to herself, Don't think of anything else!!!, I will feel better once I confess to homeroom teacher!! I took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

"Teacher, I have something to tell you," I said, my voice trembling slightly.

The teacher looked up from her desk, a hint of annoyance in her eyes. "What is it, Emily?"

I explained the entire scenario, from Ethan's taunts to the shattered phone. But as I spoke, I noticed the teacher's expression change from indifference to skepticism.

"Emily, I know it hasn't been long since you join school after that incident, and it must be hard to adjust," she said, her voice with condescension. "But is it okay to frame your friend like that?"

I was taken aback. "Friend? Framing? What are you talking about?"

The teacher leaned forward, her eyes narrowing. "If something like that really happened, why didn't any of the kids say anything? Did no one really say anything? It's only your claim."

"You need to be careful with your words. You know that you only enter this school based on your scholarship, If you dare to dare school's name into dirt, your scholarship won't be guaranteed then"

I felt a chill run down my spine. "But it's the truth! Ethan did those things!"

The teacher's expression turned cold. "Don't you dare lying to me. I'm one of the top teachers in the teacher evaluation. Not only will no one believe such ridiculous nonsense, but you're also undermining my authority."

After seeing this kind of reaction of teachers, she knows for sure that whole school on Ethan's side including teacher and students.

I sat in the cafeteria, surrounded by my friends, Adelaide, Theodore, and Derek. I recounted the events of the principal's office, my voice shaking with emotion.

"Can you believe it? The teacher didn't even listen to me! They're all on Ethan's side," I said in frustration,

Adelaide frowned. "That's messed up, Emily. I didn'texpect that low of them? They are suppose to help you"

"Help me?" I said, "They’re more concerned with protecting their reputation and the donations from Ethan’s family

I Said in anger "that son of a bitch Ethan, I hate him"

Derek Said "It’s Ethan Blackwell. What did you expect?, but what can we even do?"

"I want you guys to be my witnesses," I said, desperation in my voice. "I want you to stand up for me and help me register a complaint against Ethan."

Theodore shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "I don't know, Emily. Ethan's got a lot of pull. If we go against him, it could make things worse."

Adelaide in anger "How can you say this to her? After seeing what happen last time, are you crazy or something!!"

Theodore Clamly Said "so what?, what i say is true, even teachers are scared of him, then who are us to interfere ?

Theodore added "And which one of you have guts to go against him?

Adelaide opened her mouth to retort, but no words came out. Derek, too, fell silent, and  I felt a wave of anger wash over me.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Theodore continued, his voice cold. “None of you have the guts to go against him, and you know it.”

Derek finally spoke "But he got a point, think Clamly, If we act out of anger, it could make things worse, Ethan have a history of bullying other students but our school never even once take any action"

Adelaide nodded in agreement, "even your scholarship is not stake, anything you do now won't directly effect it and you would be the one suffering consequences, Emily"

"So according to you all, what should I do now?" I asked, my voice tighten

Theodore spat, "It's simple, apologize to him, may be if you do this, matters won't drag further and end quietly"

Derek in loud voice asked to Theodore "are you Ethan's accomplices or something? Why are you only taking his side"

Theodore stood "If Ethan target anyone, There is no going back for them"

Adelaide placed a hand on my arm, "He’s right, Emily. I Don't want to see you get hurt anymore. Just… maybe you should apologize."

She added "I am the one who encouraged you to fill complaint against Ethan, but after knowing this, I think It’s not worth it"

Derek Said "No need to do this, just avoid him or stay lay low for a while and things would go back to normal again"

Theodore in annoyance "don't expect anything from my side, Emily. My father and Ethan's father are good friends in business so I won't help you"

I know more than anyone that they all are right in some way. But still the bitter feeling in me won't go away with this reasoning.

I let out a bitter laugh "even if I stay low or apologize, is there any guarantee that it won't happen again"

All of them fell quite after this and atmosphere at table become quite tensed.

Then suddenly Reyhans appeares from behind (one of Emily's classmate) and put hand on Emily's shoulder she almost screams from surprise "What do you want?"

   He approaches Emily  "Hi, Emily" "Don’t you have class now?”?"

Emily reply in confusion "classes?  Not that I know of"

Reyhans with straight face "I thought you took World History. The schedule’s changed."

Emily with suddeness "really? When?I I had no idea"

Reyhans offers "Well, let’s go then. I take the same class."

Emily with tension "Okay"

As she left the table, Adelaide, Theodore, and Derek exchanged worried glances.

Theodore leaned in, “Something’s off about this.”

Adelaide nodded, “Why would he care about her schedule? They’ve never even spoken before.”

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