Chapter 5 (Abusive Notes)

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Next day when Emily come to school, She were late for School running in corridor.
The urgency was different this time. she thought, pushing her way through the hallway. she couldn't afford to think-not after what had happened in the washroom with Camilla and her group the day before.

And when she enter her class the atmosphere become dead silent, and she can feel all eyes on her *Why is everyone so quiet?* she wondered

When she finally reach her desk, her eyes fell on it, the breath left her body. There was swearing and abusive notes written all over it in thick black marker:

*kill yourself*
*fucking cunt*
*loser like you shouldn't be allowed to stay in this school*
*twisted slut*

And there was trash, wrappers, and other filth. thrown under her desk. Emily's vision blurred as the shock hit her, coursed through her as her mind struggled to comprehend the hatred.*Why?* The word repeated in her mind. *Why me? What did I do?*

She could feel the eyes of her classmates burning into her, whispering, laughing

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She could feel the eyes of her classmates burning into her, whispering, laughing. Near by Ethan and his group was chatting and laughing their ass off,

"AHAHA... Look at her! The stupid bitch is stunned!" Camilla said as the others chuckled around her.

One of the boys jeered, "Won't she cry, eh?"

Helena said "she is really popular among boys"

Daphne with smirk "Hey, Emily! You deceived the boys so well, didn't you?"
"After all, boys are idiots,"

Emily was trembling with embarrassment and disgust, as tears start formingin her eyes, She could hear the whispers from her classmates growing louder

Student chattered "OHH LOOK, SHE CRIES"


Emily pov
Why this kind of thing happened to me, What did I ever do to deserve this?WHAT DO DO NOW, WHAT SHOULD I DO!, I GOTTA TO GO SOMEWHERE WHERE NO ONE WILL COME BEFORE START CRYING FOR REAL...!

Without thinking, Emily turned and bolted out of the classroom, her sobs choking her as she ran. She didn't care where she was going-she just needed to escape.

In her frantic rush, she slammed into someone.

"Emily?" Derek's voice

She tried to brush past him, but he caught her arm.

"Hey, hey-what's going on? Why are you crying?".

She couldn't stop the tears. "I can't stay here," she gasped, trying to pull away. "I have to go!"

He asked "But where are you going, when class is about to start"

"I don't care," Emily cried, her voice breaking. "I just can't go back there. I can't... I can't face them. They all hate me, Derek. I... I just can't."

Without a word, he pulled her into a hug, holding her as she sobbed into his chest. He didn't speak for a long moment, just letting her cry, her body shaking against him., she said "I can't return there, I just can't"

He consoled Emily "whatever it is, everything will be fine"

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He consoled Emily "whatever it is, everything will be fine"

She replied "no it won't be"

He pulled back slightly, looking her in the eyes. "Let's go somewhere else. Just for a while."

Emily not fully understanding what he was suggesting. "What?"

"Let's skip class," he said "Just for today. Well I was bored so i was about to skip it anyway, you can join me."


Mean while Ethan in class

Ethan pov
I wonder where is she, Class is about to start, she never missed a class, not even she is sick or hurt. I wonder where is she. Are you crying in some corner. (Smirk appeared on his face as he thinks about), Or maybe hiding in washroom again.
Ethan's mind wandered, imagining her sobbing in some corner, tear-streaked face, trembling with fear. Oh, Emily, I mused. There was something so... satisfying about the thought
Oh god I wish I could see her crying face. Is she cute when she cry.

The bell rang, and the teacher start the lesson. But I wasn't listening. My mind was elsewhere-on her.

 My mind was elsewhere-on her

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20 ⏰

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