Chapter 1

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The morning sun cast a soft glow over the sprawling campus of Westwood Academy. . Among them was Ethan Blackwell, his tall frame cutting through the crowd with an air of confidence and arrogance.

Ethan smirked as he spotted his target - Emily, her eyes downcast on her phone as she chatted with her friends on a chat group. She was the perfect prey, easy to intimidate.

With a flick of his wrist, Ethan veered off course, falling into step beside her. "Well, well, well, if it isn't little miss mouse," Ethan sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Hello, my little Emily."

But Emily didn't reply, captivated by her phone and oblivious to Ethan's presence.

"Don't ignore me," Ethan growled, grabbing her arm roughly to halt her progress. "I'm talking to you."

Emily flinched at his words, suddenly brought back to reality. She winced at the sharp pain of his grip and finally dared to meet his gaze. "H....H....Hello Ethan, Good morning," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Sorry I didn't noti..." her words were cut off as Ethan snatched her phone from her hand.

"I'm sorry, Ethan, I didn't do anything to you," she replied quickly, trying to retrieve her phone.

Ethan's lips curled into a smirk, relishing in the anxiety written all over her face. "That's right, you didn't do anything," he taunted, his tone mocking. "And that's exactly why I'm bored."

With that, he threw her phone against the wall, so close to Emily's ear that the pieces could almost hit her, smashing it into pieces right before her eyes.

With a smirk, Ethan released his hold on Emily's arm, leaving her trembling. "It was all you had from your little money, but now you don't."

Emily's eyes welled up with tears as she gather shattered remains of her phone. She knew she couldn't afford to replace it. As she gathered the shattered remains with tears in her eyes.

Ethan grabbed Emily by her hair, his grip painful. "Oh, did I make you cry?" he spat. He forced Emily's face to face him, their eyes locked in a terrifying stare. "You aren't even worth my time, Emily, and yet you dare to ignore me?"

Ethan slammed Emily's face against the locker, the metal cold. "Ethan, please leave me alone!" she begged, her voice trembling with fear.

The corridor was filled with the whispers of other students, their voices a mixture of shock and fear. "Wow, Emily is getting bullied by Ethan's group," someone whispered. "Someone should save her," another student said, but no one dared to intervene.

They knew what Ethan was capable of, and no one wanted to be his next target. "No way, if that group sets their sights on me, I'll end up just like her," a student whispered, and the group nodded in agreement.

As Ethan continued to taunt Emily, the students backed away, leaving her to face the cruelty alone. The corridor, once filled with laughter and chatter.

At the end, as Ethan leave he threaten Emily " And remember there is nobody that can help you, it's upto you to believe my words or not", she watch him go, her heart hammering in her chest as she tried to steady her breathing.

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