Chapter 24

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Becky's POV

"What do you mean?" I asked him. His words didn't get inside my head.

"You must be confused. Let me put it more clearly. Let's start. I am not a normal kid like others but I am the son of the biggest goon in this country. I wish I wasn't born to him.

I didn't know anything about my father until I saw something. My father always used to be drunk and came home in that condition only. He would make my mother work at that time as well and if there would be any mistakes he would beat her.

One day I stood up but he didn't pay attention that I was his son and threw me away and that incident caused me an arm fracture. It didn't hurt much.

He had crossed his limit when one day he came home and mom had done something wrong which might me minimal. But for that he beat her and when my mother was shouting for help. He grabbed a knife and made her silent for forever.

I was the eyewitness of that incident. I ran to the police and told him everything. They ensure that they will capture him. When we reach there. They handed me to my father and said that I know the truth. My father laughed and said that they are his men only. I was terrified at that time.

Next day when there was everyone crying over my mother's body. He cried too but the fake one. That day something grew inside me. I wanted my father to suffer. I ran away from his home and went to my aunt's home.

He didn't care where I was and how I was? In Fact he was okay with my living and didn't interfere in my life. My aunt bought me up and took care of me like my mother. She sent me off to London and that's where I met Heidi." He said dreamily.

"So you mean you know Heidi from long back?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah, we had attended the same university and soon we were in love but I was too arrogant to let her come near me as I know that my father is not a good person. But she didn't take it right. She came near me. But unfortunately my father came into the picture again and was finding me over in London.

He was successful and that day we were having lunch together and they came and revealed all the truth of my hidden identity. That day she couldn't believe that she had fallen for a man like me. She called me a criminal and said that she hates me. She will be okay with anyone else but me. She walked off.

I had already warned her but she didn't listen to me. And now she is blaming me for not telling the truth at first.

And that was the day when I felt the heartbreak. I never let anyone in and never let herself also in. I am bound by my father's evil guardians.

I joined as an RTP officer. So that I can be on some missions which can put my mind off and that only happened. But I didn't know that your holiday will bring my ex back into my life.

I don't care about that but I want to make my father suffer. He has to suffer. And I will make him suffer." He said and I could see the fire which was burning inside him.

"But why does your father want us to marry each other? "I asked.

"I don't know but he said that he will be able to accomplish a long back mission. I don't know what he was talking about." He said and I nodded.

"I think I know the person who knows his unaccomplished mission. " I said and I don't think my doubt is not right. She does know that.

"Who?" He asked.

"My Mother. " I said and looked at him.

"What are you saying?" He asked me.

"I had heard the name of your father from my parents a few times. I had also picked up a few past newspapers and got to know that before you were born he was the most dangerous gangster in India. Now his value has decreased as he was stopped many times before he could do anything." I said and he chuckled.

"His failure had already started. I want to know what his long unaccomplished mission is." He said.

"Me too. " I said and went into my thoughts.

"So you and Freen have a thing?" His voice brings me back to the world.

"Yeah, we had dated each other for good three years but one day he got some false photos which she believed and didn't even ask me. She started to ignore me. And this is what irritated me most. One day I found her with Heidi. Some day later she came around but I thought that she didn't love me anymore so I started to act like a witch and then we broke up. Though it broke my heart knowing that she had found her happiness. I didn't try to take it away. But now everything is cleared but the problem is that her father wants her to marry Heidi and we are kind of helpless and you know what?" I asked him.

"What?" He asked.

" Heidi still loves you. " I said and smiled.

"That is bullshit. She had said that she doesn't love me at my face now you are saying that she loves me." He said and chuckled.

"Don't you love her? "I asked him.

"I do but knowing that she hates me it breaks my heart." He said.

"I am saying that she loves you because one day when I was talking about you and telling her about you she was there and was smiling as well which she thinks no one saw but I had seen it. " I said.

"We will discuss this afterwards. But firstly we can't marry each other." He said and I nodded.

"Should we make a plan to escape from here?" I said and smirked.

"I got it. Leave it on me." He said and smirked.

-Your innocent author P.D

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