See you after 10 years

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As all the students are packing up, they suddenly heard music blasting throughout the school and all of them went out to see Kou with her group members standing in the middle of the school, wearing stage outfits and performing. "K-Kanon-chan?" Yuki said and she just smiled.

"Minnasan! See you in 10 years!" Kou shouted through her microphone and they started singing. As they are performing, she looked through the crowd and saw the headmaster, Zero standing at a corner at the back, Yuki smiling and all her friends she made in the night class and memories started flooding into her mind, both good and bad but the one person she wanted to see most is not there as well as Rima and Shiki.

Suddenly, tears started falling as she's performing, shocking everyone but Cross Kaien also started tearing up. Once the song ended, they bowed and waved with a smile and everyone applauded. Once the crowd dispersed, her members looked at her.

"Miyu-tan, are you really quitting?" Mari asked and she nodded. "Gomene.. For my selfish request. Ai-chan.. Yasu-han.. Hime-chan.. Thanks for everything." She said as she hugged them as tears keeps falling. "Ai-chan.. Hontoni arigatou soshite.. Gomene." She said as she hugged Ai once more and Ai hugged her back tighter.

Meanwhile, back in the night class students' dorm, all of them are gathered around Kaname, along with Yuki. "Kaname-sama, what did Rido mean when he said 'another imouto'?" Ruka asked and Kaname looked at them. "I wanted to tell you after everything but he already said it.. I think all of you should know by now. She's none other than Kou." Kaname said, shocking them. "Eh? Kou-chan?" Yuki repeated and Kaname nodded. "But.. Does she know?" Yuki asked and Kaname shook his head. "I.. Will tell her later alone so.. Can you give us some alone time later?" Kaname requested and they nodded.

When Kou returned, she noticed that Kaname is the only one in the dorm. "K-Kuran Kaname-sama." She greeted while bowing respectfully. "Kou.. I have something to tell you." Kaname said and she nodded. "Shall we take a seat first?" He suggested and she took a seat after he sat down, but a few centimeters away from him. "Kou.. The truth is.. You.. Are my and Yuki's younger sister." Kaname said, shocking her. "E-eh? I-imouto? But.. We have different last names and.. I.. Have no memories of meeting Kuran Kaname-sama or Yuki-chan before." She said, bewildered.

"It seems like our mother, Kuran Juri, gave you to our uncle and aunt to take care of you once you are born." Kaname answered and she just sat on the couch, stunned. "Are.. Our parents alive?" Kou asked after a few minutes of silence and Kaname shook their head. She pursed her lips into a straight line and sighed out. "Well.. Worrying and thinking about it doesn't help in any way and i have nowhere else to go and knowing that i have siblings isn't so bad. Then.. What do i have to call Kuran Kaname-sama?" She asked and Kaname looked at her.

"Onii-sama, '-chan' or '-san' is alright with me." Kaname said and she looked at him. "Onii-chan? Kaname onii-chan?" She said while looking at him with her cute innocent eyes and he nodded with a gentle smile while patting her head. "Kou.. Are you still afraid of us, vampires?" Kaname asked and she looked down while gripping both her hands. "Sukoshi? But.. Onii-chan will protect me, right?" She asked with a smile and Kaname nodded.

As she is packing her things, the others came back. "Kaname senpai, how did she take it?" Yuki asked. "She took it rather well." Kaname said and they heaved a sigh of relieve. "I'm done Kaname-nii-chan." She said and went down the stairs. "Ah! Can i call you Yuki-nee-chan?" She asked with a smile and Yuki nodded. "Where are we going?" She asked as she looked at them. "Let's travel the world together." Kaname said and she nodded.

After bidding farewell with the headmaster and after spilling some tears, they went off. As they are walking along the road, Kou played her mp3 and music started playing through her ear-phones which is stuck in her ears and she started dancing while doing some somersaults and flips with a smile on her face. "Oi! Be careful!" Aidou shouted but she just smiled at them while asking them to hurry up. "Mataku.. What a carefree ohimesama." Ruka commented and Yuki laughed a little. *Ichijou-san.. Where are you? Aitakatta desu.. I have something important to tell you too.* She thought as she looked up the peaceful blue sky.

A few days passed and they are taking a train to some unknown town, she is lying on Kaname's lap, asleep while hugging her bunny soft toy when soft sobs could be heard. They looked at her who is crying in her sleep. Kaname whispered words of comfort and she slowly went back to sleep while snuggling towards Kaname, making them chuckle a little. "She really makes me want to protect her forever." Kaname commented while caressing her face. "Da yo ne." Yuki said, agreeing while giggling a little. "Unknowingly, she became our irreplaceable imouto." Aidou said and Yuki smiled.

~Time skip~

10 years passed and they went back to the town which they are all too familiar with when Kou saw a familiar face although it's mature than before. "Ichijou-san!" She shouted and Ichijou turned around, shocked to see them again. "Kaname, Yuki-chan, Ruka, Akatsuki, Aidou." Ichijou greeted. "Watashi wa?" Kou asked as she pouted a little. "And of course, Kou-chan too." Ichijou greeted with a chuckle. "Eh? Yuki-chan? Your daughter?" Ichijou asked as he saw a two years old girl, holding onto her hand tightly and Yuki nodded. "She's Ai, mine and Kaname's daughter." Yuki said and Ichijou congratulated.

As they are in Ichijou estate, Kou went to the balcony and looked at the scenery when Ichijou went to her. "Kou-chan.. You've changed a little." Ichijou voiced out and Kou looked at him. "Sou ka? Ichijou-san also changed a little too." Kou said and Ichijou smiled a little. "Ichijou-san.. You know.. In these 10 years.. I've been thinking.." Her sentence drifted and Ichijou looked at her and she looked back at him with her innocent eyes. "Ichijou-san suki desu." She said, shocking him. "Eh? Hontoni?" Ichijou said, taken aback and she nodded.

"Actually.. I've also.. Like you, Kou-chan.. Ever since you've entered the academy." Ichijou said, stunning her. "Hontoni? Why didn't you.. Tell me?" Kou asked, confused. "Well.. Your fear for vampires is quite bad back then so i can't tell you. How about now?" Ichijou asked and she looked at him. "I still do but.. It's alot better than before." She said and they hugged each other. "Aitakatta desu yo Ichijou-san.. Totemo." Kou said and Ichijou tightened his hug. "Ore mo.. Kou-chan aitakatta desu." Ichijou said and Kou smiled. Soon, the sun is setting and they kissed.

"Kaname Kaname.. Mite Mite." Yuki said as she pointed towards the balcony and both of them smiled warmly when they saw their silhouette. "Looks like i can leave the protecting to him now and devote my all to you and our daughter, Yuki." Kaname said, making her blush.


Hey guys~ This is the end of this story!! How is it? This is ny first time writing an anime fanfic so.. I hope it's alright>< Hope you guys like it^^ Thanks for reading and following me^^ Comments are appreciated too^^ Happy EID to all muslims!! By the way.. I wrote this in a modern setting^^ Hope all of you enjoyed reading this^^ Do watch or read the manga 'Vampire Knight' & 'Vampire Knight Guilty'^^

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