Chapter Three - Meeting 1

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~World Meeting~

Ludwig yelled for all the arguing nations to be quiet. They hushed and looked to the frustrated German. He was the first to speak, everyone listened. "Okay, so most of us now know that outsiders from London have entered our world. Most seemed to be not human. Does anyone have any idea how they could have gotten here?" he explained.

The Brit raised his hand, "While it is true they came from my country, you cannot assume this is my fault. Plenty of people outside our world us magic. Even if a few of us countries do, you cannot blame us."

Francis sighed, "Stupid sheep, nobody blamed you. Just because they came from your country doesn't mean we automatically blame you."

"Hey, wait! England uses black magic and they came from his country. Doesn't that but two and two together?" Alfred asked.

"I just said I didn't do it and you can't blame a magic user." Arther said.

"So how else did they get here?" Vash asked.

"Has anyone else noticed some of them look like us? And I guess from what they've said we look like some of them." Roderich said.

"That's true, the one they call Ronald looks like Alfred, and Rocherich I guess looks like this Claude fellow, any other strange things?" Elizabeta said.

Yao raised his hand, "The red headed Shinigami is attracted to men. They can't hurt us because of our effect to the world they came from."

"The child the call Ciel, he owns a demon." Feliciano said.

"As does the boy, Alois." Roderich said.

Ludwig remembered his first encounter with the demon and the children, "Ciel has a giant dog with them."

"What? When we first saw them there was no dog." Arther said.

"Correct, the naked albino is the dog." Ludwig said.

Few of the nations turned to Gilbert, the albino Prussian. "Wah? It wasn't the awesome me. Do I look like a dog to you?"

Some small comment came to his ears. "What are we going to do about the dog?" a faint voice asked. Attention turned to a man next to Alfred, he looked like a clone.

"Oh, Matthew, you made it. You scared me." Alfred said.

"Anyways, about the dog. Does it seem like a threat?" Vash asked.

"It was carrying Ciel and a girl by the name of Lady Elizabeth." Ludwig said.

"Theirs names are going to get confusing, Elizabeth and Elizabeta." Gilbert said.

"Shut up." Elizbeta said.

"So it doesn't seem to harm children?" Ivan asked.

"It could be trained not to hurt them." Vash said.

"So we should just be weary of it." Kiku, a Japanese man said.

"Si, if we don't tell anyone else of this possible danger than we are risking a nation." Feliciano's older brother Lovino said.

"What about those demon triplets? They were lurking around Roderich's house." Elizabeta said.

"Only a few of us have seen them. Everyone of those people from London must not be trusted. Especially the demons. They do seem to want to leave and return home though." Vash said.

"Okay, this may seem to be my fault. But when they asked about our names, I almost let the past slip. I think they seem to think we are hiding something." Feliciano said.

"Yes, the demon by the name of Sebastian asked about our names. He shouldn't be trusted. We must keep the past a secret, if any of them ask, do not ever share what happened to them." Ludwig said, making his point clear.

A small hand went into the air, Lily's. Vash's younger sister. "If us as countries effects the world they came from, then wouldn't what happened have effected it? Didn't you, Italy, get hurt? Most of you did. So how couldn't they know about it?" she asked.

Ludwig nodded, "Correct, back then twelve of us were hurt. Grant it that only eleven are still countries even though we all got out alive."

"So how come?" Alfred asked.

"It might have lightly effected it but it was covered up so nothing from that world would know." Arthur said. Nations began to agree. That had to have been it.

Yao slammed on the table, "Are we not going to discuss it? After it happened we stopped talking about anything related to the time it happened. Why don't we tell them and have that be told to their world?"

Japan look to his brother, giving a 'you must be drunk' look. "Bringing up the tragic time that happened back then will cause chaos in their world. I agree they should know but we can't just let it out. Talking about amoungst our selves in here is fine, but we cannot share with outsiders."

"So we can't tell anyone. What if they find out? Could we explain it to them then?" Francis asked.

"Only if they find out." Lovino said.

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