8. Il ''per sempre'' nella vita non esiste

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Kai's POV

"You are to be my bride." The words ring out in the throne room yet they don't seem to make sense to me, at least not for a moment where I find myself leaving my own body. I feel as though I am not in control, just forced to stand there with my features schooled to be the perfect Enforcer.

I don't last long as I soon sink to my knees as I watch Kitt grin at Paedyn. She stands there blankly.I know too well that she is shattering inside. I can almost sense the panic that is radiating off of her as she's left with no choice but to nod blindly at her now-future husband. It kills me to stay there and not be able to do anything. I need to do something but I'm not in control, all I can feel is everything and nothing at the same time. I just kneel there, watching Kitt seem pleased with himself as he brings down my own personal hell.

I can't handle it.

I can't handle it.

I can't handle it.

I take a deep breath, weighing out my little choice of options. I could stay and pretend or...

I stand and break out into a sprint as I ignore everything around me, in a rush to escape. I hear Kitt yelling at me to stop causing a scene, demanding I return. He doesn't even call my name, instead only referring to me as the Enforcer. That's the role I'm forced to play– we're not even brothers, so I don't bother to stop until I reach the room I stayed in during the trials.

It feels strange to be in this room, it hasn't been a long time since I slept here yet it still feels as if the trials were a lifetime ago. A lifetime since Paedyn came to comfort me. It's not even my real bedroom.

I crash down onto the bed, climbing under the covers like I did when I was much younger, trying to escape this nightmare. It doesn't work, I can't escape but it's still better than being forced to pretend I was okay with this new... development.


The word brings so much pain, worse than any type of pain I've felt before. It's unbearable as it continues to stab my now fractured heart. Paedyn and I... we could have made it work, I could have done something– anything– to prevent her death and help her escape so she could live. But now I cannot tell if death would have been more bearable. It might have. It would have been easier.

And then, to make matters worse, my door swings open unceremoniously as footsteps stomp in to make my misery worse.

"Kai. What was that all about?" I don't dare move an inch as Kitt's voice has an eerily soft edge. The room falls quiet. "Respond to me." Kitt demands, his tone becoming sharper.

"You proposed to a criminal, Kitt." I grumble from behind the covers. I shuffle my hand to the top of the covers, pulling it down over me so he can't rip it off me. The sheets are the only thing keeping me away from him and I don't think he'll like what will happen if he dares to make me face him.

"And I said I would explain my reasons in due time." Kitt responds huffy, with an impatient tap of his shoe against the ground. "So you can stop being a child and be the Enforcer that you are required to be."

"Kitt, you proposed to Paedyn- I- You didn't even propose, you demanded." I respond, struggling to find the words. He doesn't make sense, it's as if he has changed. I suppose he has because he most definitely isn't acting like my brother. My mind replays the scene as he demanded marriage, he didn't even ask. He left her no choice in the matter and for that, I could feel myself growing hotter with anger.

"I can demand whatever I want, Kai. I'm the King." Kitt says, almost carelessly though I know that he is only trying to pre-empt with me. There's a tense atmosphere in the room, one that wasn't present when it was just myself.

"You're only the King because she killed your father." I spit, anger seeping into my words. I hear him shuffle at my words, but I make no move to see his reaction. I've hit a weak point.

"You're forgetting that he was your father too." Kitt's voice rises, becoming more agitated by the second. I almost laugh.

"No, he was the one who turned me into the monster I am now. He was no father to me." I picture Paedyn's scars as I say this– something Kitt doesn't know about. She was left scarred and mangled, tortured. She was left traumatised after the death of Adena to the point where I had to cut her hair, again something Kitt doesn't know. He doesn't know what we went through to get back and all because he wants to marry her. It is ridiculous. Kitt stays silent for a second that draws out into a longer moment.

"Answer me. What was that all about?" He asks again, this time his words firm as he changes the subject. Coward.

"Kitt, we had just returned from a long journey. Do you not think that I am exhausted and this is all too much to handle?" I retort.

"And now brother, your role is over. I do not see why you felt the need to run out of the throne room and embarrass yourself." He remarks. I do not say anything for a moment, thinking carefully of what I say next. Before I can respond, he continues on. "You are the Enforcer now. You represent me as King, It's time to act like it or I will see to it you will have bigger problems than a marriage."

"A marriage? Kitt– you are being unreasonable. I've been nothing but an Enforcer. I walk into the throne room to see you, not even looking like a King." My words are sharp, almost too sharp as I know I've attacked him where it really hurts. I don't even feel bad about it.

"Kai, I'm marrying Paedyn. It's time to get your act together. That is a command." He says as I hear him walk to the door, then he pauses as if he's waiting for a response. I rush in to say something before he leaves.

"I was nothing but the perfect act. I responded just how you wanted me to and you know it. This is all just to make me suffer." I say, still refusing to look at him. I think back to when I told him how nothing happened between myself and Paedyn. I showed no signs and played the role perfectly, just like the little puppet I am.

"And? That is your role, and I am your superior. Deal with it." Kitt says and that is when I lose it.

"We are brothers, before we are King and Enforcer. You knew that I was in love with her. You know that I love Paedyn." I announce as I snap my hand across the sheet and pull it off. I leap out of the bed and turn to face him, my hands already in front of me as I prepare to strangle him. I stop for a second, seeing another figure in the corner of the room.


She stands there watching us, her face washed with pain and concern. And it's that second that I stand distracted, letting my guards down as the next second, I feel Kitt's powerful fist meeting the side of my jaw. I see him standing over me as I crumple to the floor and I turn my head through the pain to see Paedyn before everything goes to black.

Lmaooo this is my take on what happens after the ending of 'Reckless', Hope you enjoyed!!

Anyhoo, I've started school again and it's a killer, I can literally feel the breakdowns nearing closer lol and im sooo tired

ALSO i totally forgot to mention this but for most of my oneshot titles (except 6) are all lyrics from songs i like lmaoo, anyway this one essentially means "'forever' in life doesn't exist" which i think is very fitting 

ALSO ALSO thank you for 6k reads! Im so grateful for everyone one of you who read!!

And as per usual, please leave any feedback y'all have!!

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