3. 'Cause I made peace with your eyes

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There was a loud yet steady chatter that floated through the air. Hundreds of voices were all talking at the same time, long dresses were swishing against the polished, marbled floors and the soft thuds of the musicians, tapping away to the beat of the music. It was a grand sight, one of great luxury and wealth, especially when seeing how much splendour hadn't been wasted for this evening. Nothing was out of place, nothing was too little, not for the special ball that the King had declared for Kitt. In fact, Prince was seated on a platform above the main ballroom so he could overlook the festivities.

"You look like you're having fun." A voice called out from the other side of the platform. Kitt turned to face the voice.

"Ah, Paedyn. You look beautiful as always." He responded as she came to stand next to him. She was dressed in a long golden dress, a stark contrast to her hair. It clung to her body, yet fell loose at the floor. She leaned against the arm of the throne that Kitt sat at.

"So do you," She whispered, meeting his green eyes. His lips twitched at her comment, his eyes shining bright. He reached out, resting his hand on her lower thigh.

"No, but you look better than me." He softly said, his eyes travelling up and down her body. His fingers traced idle circles against her silky dress.

"It's not true on any other day." Paedyn whispered, leaning into his touch. She shifted herself, so she was practically sitting on him. Her hand wound through his hair, knocking the crown he wore into her other hand. She twisted it around her fingers, playing with it.

Kitt moved to take it from her, but she pulled away, smiling proudly. Kitt stared at her, his mouth open in disbelief.

"You know, I'd wager that you look better than me every other day." Kitt playfully told her, waiting to see how she would react. If he could break through the tough shell that was Paedyn.

"You're just saying it so you can get the crown back." She smirked, lifting it even higher, out of his reach. Kitt gestured her to lean in with a finger, curling it towards him.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Maybe I'm telling the truth." Paedyn's eyes darted to him, curiously looking to see if he truly meant it. Perhaps he did. She tapped his nose, leaning in close to him. Close enough that Kitt could feel her breath on his cheeks. He smiled, staring at her blue eyes as if he was looking into a reflective ocean. It was wonderful.

Until it wasn't. Someone coughed from the platform, where Paedyn had first come to him. Kai. He looked uncomfortable, his foot tapping against the floor. Both Paedyn and Kitt turned to face him, surprised to be interrupted.

"Paedyn, you're needed." He said gruffly, staring beyond Kitt and Paedyn. He stared at the wall, not meeting their eyes. He was met with a moment of silence, where Paedyn stayed frozen.

"Now, Paedyn." He repeated, waiting for her to move. She stepped forward, towards Kai and turned back to face Kitt. She gave him back the crown, before following Kai. He led her out to the gardens, where there was seemingly nothing that Paedyn needed to attend to.

"Why am I here, Azer?" She rolled her eyes as she walked past him to the empty garden, away from him. Leaving him behind.

It was cold, the wind sending chills across her bare skin and it was silent. Nobody was outside with them, everyone was inside enjoying the ball. Which they were meant to be present at.

"You're choosing him, Paedyn. Why?"

She quickly spun around to face Kai, a second after he had exclaimed it. His hand was wracking through his hair while he turned his head away from where she could see.

"Why won't you answer my question? You're hiding from me. Like a coward." She retorted, her head tilting to the side. Paedyn turned back around, continuing to walk away from him without saying anything else. She heard Kai stutter. Interesting.

"I-I.. I- Pae-" He was clearly struggling to string together a full sentence, let alone articulate it.

"Spit it out Azer." Paedyn grumbled, sending him a rude gesture along with it. Kai was getting on her nerves, interrupting her moment with Kitt and then dragging her out into the cold.

"Kitt- why would you choose him? Please." Kai painfully called out to her. His words were met with Paedyn not bothering to turn around to face him yet she did respond.

"You wouldn't understand Kai... So don't try to. I'll always pick Kitt over you." She sharply called to him.

"Don't do this to me, Pae," Kai breathed out to her. Tears were welling up in his eyes as his voice grew thick with every passing minute. It was affecting him too much. Nobody should have this power over him yet here Paedyn was, doing just that.

"No Kai, you need to accept that I don't love you. I love Kitt." She bluntly said, changing her path towards the palace. She couldn't deny that Kai's words didn't have any meaning or value to her, but what she said was partially true. She couldn't choose Kai, but she also didn't love Kitt either. She just needed to choose one to hurt and so it would have to be Kitt.

"You're killing me, Pae."

"Good. Don't call me that again or I will slit your throat." Paedyn threatened, suddenly turning to face him. She stood still in her place, not moving to him but waited for him to catch up.

"Why not? I thought we were a team." He whispered when he was next to her. Closer to her.

"Then you thought wrong." She answered, her voice was flat. She held herself higher next to Kai, they were so close. Almost touching, her face nearly meeting him with little space between the two. But the space that there was, was antagonising.

"Paedyn, please. I'm begging, I finally found someone who could love me. I made peace with your soft, brilliantly blue eyes. I found someone who could kill for me, who could die for me." Kai begged, his voice was hoarse but dangerously soft. It barely came out, Paedyn could only just hear his words. Her eyes narrowed as she ignored the conflicting war that was between her head and her heart.

"Kai, I'm sorry. I'll apologise now but if I'm going to hurt one of you now... I'd rather hurt you now than have to hurt you in a way that you would never recover from. I'm picking Kitt." She whispered.

"Damn it Pae. I know you. I know you. You're hiding something and I know it. Please just tell me" Kai breathed out again, just as softly yet there was a hint of frustration in his tone.

"Why should I? Did I tap my foot?" She taunted softly, meeting his grey eyes. They were dark, and shining from the tears that continued to build.

"Because I love you. I can help you- only if you tell me what is wrong." Kai said, lifting his hand to gently caress the side of her face. His fingers fell through her silver hair.

"I'm sorry Kai. I really am."

I ship Kai and Paedyn a lot but my love for angst is stronger lmaoo

Also really sorry about how bad this one is, it's not my best piece of work but it's really late and im exhausted..... this was meant to be based on the song 'can you love me' by croixx but i got distracted so it kind of turned into like an au where paedyn was in love with kitt and kai got jealous

anyway hope y'all are well, thank you for all of your kind comments!!

buona notte from a really tired fangirl

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