♚10-𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥♚

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"Mr Zeppeli," Narancia asked, "Is it true that you used to wear grills?"

"What kind of a question is that?" Fugo furrowed his brows in disgust at his best friend's query.

"Hey, I was actually curious!" Narancia grumbled harshly, "Maybe even thinking about getting some!"

"I did, I'm afraid," Gyro laughed heartily, "But I had to stop because they were ruining my teeth. Would not recommend it, kid."

Marie had brought some tea into the library, where the rest had been seated. She gazed at her wonderful family, which brought pure joy to her heart.

That same smile from that morning hadn't left her face throughout the entire day. How it brought so much joy to her golden heart, the sight was truly for sore eyes.

"Oh, you brought tea?" Bruno furrowed his brows, taking each cup and began pouring the hot liquid, "I thought we were going to wait for Giorno?"

"Giorno called and said he was to stay in a hotel for the night," She replied softly, "He had dinner with an old friend."


"Hey, Cindy!" Narancia called, "Is there any orange juice left?"

"Yes, darling," Marie glanced up, "Would you like some?"

"Yeah, please."

"And you, Gyro?" She tilted her head slightly, in a sweet way.

"I'll have some tea, thank you," His eyes ran up and down her figure, "Your dinner was splendid, I need to settle my stomach."

Marie felt shivers down her spine and bit her bottom lip in a flustered state. She cleared her throat in an attempt to hide her rosy cheeks.

Normally, she would have thanked him immediately for his generous comment.

But as breathless as she was, Marie couldn't even make out a word to his face and shyly shifted her gaze towards the opposite side of the room.

"Would anyone else like some orange juice?"

"I want some!" Johnny shot his arm up with a grin before returning to his conversation with Leone.

And with that, Marie whisked herself back down to the kitchens. Obviously this went noticed by the whole family, except their new guests of course.

Bruno glared at Leone with an obsevant smirk, who was sat beside Johnny on the opposite side of the room.

The two shared a bright vision together after discussing, late into the night, about Johnny and Mr Zeppeli's arrival.

Bruno passed the cups to everyone until his gaze landed on Gyro, with a small smile, "Was the journey rough, Mr Zeppeli?"

"Please, just Gyro," He took the cup and returned with a soft grin, "And it wasn't easy, no. But we're here now."

Bruno sipped on his own cup and flicked his hair out of his face elegantly, "Are the rooms to your liking?"

"Marie has done such a good job," He chuckled softly, "I'd be crazy if I wasn't."

Bruno hummed softly in affirmation, "That girl does it to herself, the poor thing."

"Johnny always complains about her busying herself," Gyro exhaled, "And I can see why."

"Marie needs some sort of a distraction..." Bruno glanced at his lover and then back at Gyro, with a confident gaze, "Tell me you're free of distractions in your life, eh?"

"I see your intentions, Mr...?"

"Bruno. Bruno Bucciarati."

"Bruno," Gyro smirked playfully and sipped his tea. He knew exactly what Bruno had implied, "What makes you think I'd be the perfect distraction? You don't even know me."

"That's true," the bob-cut acquaintance smiled slyly, "But her brother does, and from what I hear, you're quiet the saint."


"Yes," Bruno grinned excitedly, "You're a remarkable doctor and a man of good cause. The perfect distraction for our little Marie."

Gyro had finished his tea and sucked on his teeth in thought, "I wouldn't call myself that, but I suppose I wouldn't mind getting to know her."

"The saint and the angel," Bruno hummed softly in thought, "A sight I'd like to see."

Oh, what a sight Gyro had wanted to live. Imagine a quiet life, by the countryside or the city, wherever. The two, by each other's side, without a single soul to bother them.

But their conversation was put to a pause, as distant squeals could be heard, coming from the foyer.

Thuds and clunks filled the air. It was too late for the mansion to be this noisy.

A panting Mista rushed into the room, "Fugo, Narancia," He took a few breaths, "Help me, she brought too many bags."

Fugo rolled his eyes, and his raven-haired huffed frustratedly as they stood up and left the room in a hurry.

"She?" Johnny furrowed his brows in confusion, "What's going on?"

Bruno grinned excitedly and followed the two, "Did we mention you two weren't the only guests we're having?"

Meanwhile, back at the entrance of the house, Marie was brought to tears once again.

In the good sense, fear not.

"But I don't believe it!" Her eyes filled with awe as she took in the grand sight of her cousins, "You tricked us!"

"Nuh-Uh!" Jolyne laughed softly, hugging her newly-wed husband's arm, Anasui, "You were the only one who was tricked."

"Me? But-"

"That's right!" Okuyasu grinned excitedly and patted her shoulder after arriving with yet even more luggage.

"Oh, Okuyasu!" Marie giggled cheerfully and brought her arms around him, "How wonderful it is to see you again!"

"'Missed you too, sweetheart!" He squeezed her back gently, "I'm so glad we could stay here!"

Marie laughed softly, "Even though I had no idea of your arrivals, I'm more than happy to prepare some rooms!"

"Just as busy as last time." Anasui gave a small smile.

"And I'm very honoured to be busy for the people I love," She gave his hand a small squeeze before releasing it, "Now, let's get you all some dinner."

"Aw, yeah!" Josuke fist-bumped the air, "Whaddya make this time, Cindy?"

"It just so happens to be your favourite," Her smile beamed like the sun, in that said evening, "Fried chicken with spicy potato wedges and Strawberry Romanoff for dessert."


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