Husk winces and looks away. "Yeah...things didn't end up well with Jennifer...she's uh...yeah..." He says still not making eye contact with anyone.
"Who's Jennifer???" Angel still asks, confused.
"Really? Damn, I liked Jennifer. She probably was cheating." Overlord Husk says with a shrug.
"Oh well, I'll just call up Claire, or Dennis." Husk and his narcissistic past self both grab a bottle of whiskey from off a nearby tray and take a swing of it in unison.
"Who's Jennifer?? And you'd fuck a Dennis??" Angel keeps questioning in confusion. Husk sighs and looks at Angel.
"Yeah Jennifer an ex fling, or like, it was we were kinda dating but wasn't official. And yes, I've fucked a Dennis."
"Damn, you were a ho!"
"Says the pornstar." Angel and Husk bickered with each other as the overlord looked at them with a raised eyebrow.
"You two are fighting like an old married couple. And I guess we are a bit of a whore, ain't that right buddy?" He said and clinked his and Husks bottles together. Angel looks at the two in shock.
"How big of a ho are you???"
"I have two sayings, one: any hole is a goal." Angel chokes and starts laughing. Overlord Husk smirks at Angels amusement. "And two: if you just hide every person's upper body, all but cheeks are up for game." He said, sounding oddly proud. Angel only laughs more and turns to Husk with a grin.
"Holy shit! I'm surprised you didn't hit on me or flirt back when we first met!"
"Probably looked in that chest fluff of yours to see if it was tits or not." The overlord replies bluntly. Husk's face goes red.
"I've changed a lot over the years, I did not look at his chest fluff because I'm not some random creep!"
"Well that sucks because it looks soft."
"Wait, you took a peak??" Angel asks slightly uncomfortable and crosses his arms to hide his chest fluff but only pronounces it more.
"You need to be careful how you move because you practically angled it so I had to see it at some point." Angel rolls his eyes and looks away. Husk just laughs at Angel's anger and Angel flips off Husk.
"Oh fuck off."
"I fuckin hate you so much", Husk says with a grin.
"Yeah but ya hate smiles more" Angel says smiling back.
"Oh, we still hate Al?" Overlord Husk asks casually.
"Yeah. By the way! I need to warn you about-" Husk gets cut off by Angel putting his hand over his mouth.
A/N: Hey, sorry that these chapters have been short, I just realized how short they are and im sorry. But the next chapter should be longer, yippee...uhhhhhhh, random stop. byyye.

Stuck in The Past A Huskerdust story
FanfictionIdk what to put here :\ This comes from my i m a g i n a t i o n This is the first fic im writing, so i hope you like it :] I also added some OC's that I made so i might include some of their drawings at the ends of the chapters