Chapter 4: Overlord Husk is a Narcissist

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Angel looks at Overlord Husk and he looks absolutely amazed. Husk comes running up behind him and Angel turns around. "DAYUMN! You were hot! What the hell happened to you?!" Angel asks with a slight blush on his face.

Husk looks unimpressed and slightly offended and he has a frown on his face. "Wow, jeez, thanks a lot."

"C'mon Husky, you know that's not what I meant~" Angel said with a teasing smirk.

"No, no, I get it. Alastor didn't only take my soul, he took my will to live, my sanity, my hair, my balls, most things that bring me joy." Husk says as he starts walking away.

Angel looks at him and does a double take. "Wait he took your balls-"

Husk just ignored Angel and he kept trying to walk away before a voice interrupted them. "Hey, top hat! And uhh, legs! Get over here." Husk and Angel look over to see Overlord Husk looking and grinning at them. Husk just sighs and walks over to him with Angel following from behind. They sit down at the table as Overlord Husk shuffles some cards and looks Husk up and down with a look of confusion. "You look familiar."

"Yeah, I'm you, from uh, the future."

"How the hell is that supposed to work?"

"We're friends with the princess and she had a little magic hiccup."

"Ha! Fuckin losers!" Past Husk laughs at Angel and Husk and does the L sign at them.

"Yeah, and I'm sure being here with you won't make it worse." Husk said with an eye roll. "Yeah, I'm amazing." Overlord Husk says with a narcissistic smirk.

"Wow I was a narcissist..."

"Whatever..." Younger (less balding) Husk rolls his eyes at Present Husk's comment. Angel just stares at the two in awe. Husk from the past starts to deal the cards but he looks at Husk, then at Angel, back at Husk, then back at Angel, and the wheels turn and click. "Ohhhhh! We're fucking him!" Overlord Husk smirks and points at Angel and Husk. "I see you, he is our taste. So did you have to hire him or something or did you trick him into liking you or something."

"Whoooah! We're not fucking!" Husk says and his face goes red.

Angel also starts blushing wildly and makes an X with his upper arms. "We are not! W-We're just friends."

"Shame, he is hot, and our type." Past Husk says with a shrug.

"Okay now I don't know whether to be offended or complimented." Angel says with mixed feelings on the comment.

Overlord Husk then looks up at Husk. "What happened to Jennifer?"

Angel looks at Husk with a blank look before he talks in a confused tone. "Who the fuck is Jennifer???"

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