Angel and Husk's hug got cut short by Mari slamming open the door. "Hey! What's takin' you two so lo-" She stops short when she sees Angel and Husk hugging, now with a big, stupid blush on both of their faces. "Oohhh, you two- Ooooh." She says with a mischievous smirk and walks back in. Husk immediately lets go of Angel and shouts at her.
"Shut up! We weren't doing anything!" He shouts out of embarrassment and Angel just giggles and pats his head.
"Why are ya so embarrassed if she sees us huggin'? I'm sure you hugged her a ton when she was alive."
"Yeah, but now I'm not gonna hear the end of it. Let's just go back in..." Husk grumbles and goes back into the room with Angel following.
Mari's POV
Angel says Husk's name and looks like he's about to bitch slap him, something I would have loved to see, but Husk just grabs the spider's arm and drags him into the hallway.
"How much you wanna bet Angel is gonna slap him?" I ask the Overlord next to me and he smirks.
"Twenty bucks, he seems too soft for him."
"Damn, you're right. They seem pretty buddy-buddy with each other. I'm surprised they haven't slept with each other, my asexual self can even pick up on the tension."
"You can pick up on any tension, it's like your super power."
"True that." I laugh with a smile. We chat back and forth until a small....portal?? opens up and a pastel yellow envelope falls through, falling to the ground.
"Oh damn, is heaven giving me money because you don't fucking pay me?" I ask and I grab the envelope from the ground.
"I give you a free place to stay at my casino in the room across the hall from mine, I give you free food and clothes, and I take care of you like my own kin. You're fine!" Husky shouts and I roll my eyes playfully.
"Yeah, yeah, all that." I say and I flip over the envelope and see in fancy ass cursive 'To: Angel and Husk From: Charlie :)' With a very unnecessary amount of smiley faces.
"Geez, this girl seems too happy to be living in hell, but it seems to be their friend. Should we open it?" I ask mischievously with a sly smirk.
"I does have my name on it." Husky says with the same mischievous smirk I have. We snicker and I carefully open the envelope and open the letter and I read it out loud to him, heavily dismayed that there was nothing juicy in it.
"That was a bust, I'm just gonna get the grandpas and give them their letter." I say and I walk to the door and Husky just brushes it off, turning his attention to a bottle of alcohol.
I open the door and walk out into the hallway.
"Hey, what's takin' you two so lon-" I cut myself off when I see the two hugging and blushing like lovesick puppies. "Oohhh, you two- Ooooh." I say with a mischievous smirk and walk back in. I hear Grandpa Husk shout something about not doing anything but I just ignore them and laugh to myself.

Stuck in The Past A Huskerdust story
FanfictionIdk what to put here :\ This comes from my i m a g i n a t i o n This is the first fic im writing, so i hope you like it :] I also added some OC's that I made so i might include some of their drawings at the ends of the chapters