Chapter 12

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Ash's point of view!

As much as getting all 8 Unova gym badges could get me into the league and maybe become the champion, but... I've tried so many times relentlessly and failed that I'm gonna take a break. Hang around in Unova for a while. It's the first time in 3 years I'm actually going to stay somewhere for an extended period of time...

I'm heading back to Striation with Cilan.

I could maybe even work at the restaurant. Cilan wants to follow me everywhere and I want to follow him everywhere. I think I may have a bit of a crush on him... Not sure if it's beyond a crush at this point, but I'm gonna call it that anyway.

It's a shame about Iris, but she's following her dreams, I guess. Maybe we held her back, which is understandable... But I don't have to worry about that now.

"Cilan? So, when we get to Striation, what first?"

Cilan looks down at me and a smile appears on his face.

"Hmm... Maybe we could go out to the movies?"

"Or maybe we could eat by candlelight, well, without being interrupted." I suggest.

"Well... We could just do something ridiculously stupid, if we want to be original." Cilan says and laughs, before stopping me for a second to kiss me dead on my mouth.

The first thought that springs to mind is that we're in public. It sticks to my mind and pull back quickly.

"Sorry, we're just... in public..."

"It's alright, I understand..." Cilan says a bit sadly.

By the time we get to Striation, it's night. Cilan leads me into the restaurant, with an arm wrapped around my waist.

It's so late that the restaurant has closed. Cress is wandering around the tables, collecting things and probably cleaning up. He turns to Cilan and me, looking surprised.

"Cilan! You're back already? And with that kid too..." Cress says.

"Yes, I'm back...!" Cilan says with a smile.

Cress' eyes fall to his arm which is wrapped around my waist.

"Is... Is there something going on between you two?" Cress asks, raising an eyebrow and glaring at Cilan.

"Well, you can figure that out." Cilan says. A smirk appears on his face.

"Oh, I see." Cress says with a straight face, before quickly turning back to his duty. "If you need anything, I'm here, remember."

Small wisps of exhaustion are beginning to swirl through my mind.

"Cilan? I'm getting tired..." I say and lean on him slightly, the feeling gradually descending down onto me and grasping me.

"Ash~, are you really tired...?" Cilan says in a playful tone.

"Yes..." I say, with a yawn. "I just wanna go to sleep..."


Cress seems to shoot a disapproving glare at Cilan. Cilan shoots it right back.

"Well, Cilan, I think I'll get him a place to sleep..." Cress says, walking out from behind the counter and taking my hand.

"Wai- oh, please Cre- Okay. Fine. You do it." Cilan says, cutting himself off multiple times in the middle of his sentence accidentally. Cress holds my hand and leads me upstairs from some staircase in the kitchen - hidden away from the rest of the restaurant.

Upstairs is a corridor and a few rooms, a bathroom, a few bedrooms and one room which I don't know. Cress leads me to one room and opens the door.

"This is Chili's room, but I haven't seen him for the past few days... You can stay in here." Cress says. "Make yourself at home."

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