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"supernatural or not, the first day of school was always the hardest."


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When her alarm blared at five in the morning, she regretted coming back to the loft close to 1am. The party last night led to nowhere, and after having shaken off the stranger from last night with promises that she was fine, Neytiri bid quick farewells to Allison and Lydia before returning home.

As much as she wants to sleep in, she knew it wouldn't be much longer before Derek found his way stumbling up the stairs and going on a rant about how loud her alarm was against his supernatural ears. So, Neytiri blindly reaches for her phone tucked underneath her pillow and hits the tiny off button, quieting the room once more. She grabs her glasses off of the nightstand beside her bed and shoves them on her face as she sits straight up. She had about an hour to get ready for school, and maybe thirty minutes before Derek woke up and used all of the hot water in the shower again.

This prompts her to lazily drag herself out of bed and head straight for the shower. After much time, Neytiri exits and begins her morning routine. After tending to and moisturizing her body, Neytiri compiles an outfit that consist of a black halter top, light blue flared jeans, and her signature white high top shoes. As she gives herself one last once over, tightening her braids that she pulled up into a high ponytail and throwing on a pair of silver hooped earrings, Neytiri grabs her gray cardigan as she begins heading downstairs. Before she makes it out of the door, however, she pauses a moment to greet her alter dedicated to Persephone. With a simple prayer of blessings and a promise to bring fresh fruits and plants to offer the All Mother, Neytiri is on her way.

It was no surprise to her that Derek was once again wide awake, hovering over a lone table in the center of the room. There's a map laid out before him, his eyes focused on several x's and o's scribbled all over it. Neytiri debates on if she should just throw him a quick goodbye and leave, or press him further on the previous matter they barely discussed beforehand. She checks the time on her phone and calculates that she has enough time for a quick conversation.

"So," Neytiri drags out her words as she approaches the table. Derek never pulls his attention away from the map, the tip of his thumb pressed between his lips noting his deep concentration on the map. "You wanna tell me what this means?"

Again, there's nothing. Neytiri knows Derek, and she knows how he gets when he's in denial about needing help. He's been like that ever since she was a little girl, holding on to the mindset that bottling up situations and emotions was the best way to help everyone. Despite their rocky and sometimes trivial companionship, Neytiri did care for Derek. He did raise her after all, and she did hold a huge amount for sympathy for him having to do that after his family's death, facing his murderous uncle, and hunters. But Derek sometimes got his morals and priorities confused, and Neytiri didn't know if he wanted to a benevolent leader or an alpha hellbent on power. Either way, it was Neytiri's job to stick beside him and whatever decision he made.

: i wish you roses, tim drake | 1Where stories live. Discover now