Chp Two

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Lily's POV

"Ms. Evans, please follow me." I say goodbye to my new friends and follow McGonagall down the familiar vacant hallways. "Professor," I inquire,"Are we going to be late to the welcoming speech?" McGonagall turns, puzzled that I would think such things, "Of course not! That is, of course if the two of you don't dilly dally." 

I look around and ask, "Two of us?" We made it to McGonagall's office and she walks around the desk, "Ms Evans, you ought to have figured this out already! You are the head girl!" I smile happily, "Thank you professor!" She slides over the head girl pin that I will be required to wear for the rest of the year. 

It is the Hogwarts crest with a large 'G' embroidered on top. A knock sounds on the door. "This must be Hagrid with the head boy. Come in!" It could be a number of people. All I hope is that it is someone sufferable. "Well look who it is," the boy says as he makes himself at home in his chair. I turn and am shocked for a full fifteen seconds. 

It is James Potter. James Potter who gets detention almost every other day. James Potter who doesn't have a shred of respect for any class besides transfiguration. 

I look at McGonagall, "This has to be a mistake." McGonagall shakes her hed, "This is no mistake, we considered many different people and we picked both of you."She continues, "We have a common room for the two of you in the left corridor under the painting of the Reading Girl." 

I feel horrible. So many hours I will have to spend with this insufferable idiot. I need some butterbeer. 

After the welcoming feast the two of us were sent to oversee everyone was going to their place. Then immediately after we report to our shared common room. 

The common room is octagonal with windows on each wall and a dome skylight for the ceiling. A warm fireplace sits across from a comfy couch and chairs. 

James jumps onto the couch and I sit in a cushioned chair, crossing my legs. "So how did you do it?" He looks up at me and says, "It was simple really, I just was my glorious self." I let out a forced laugh, "That usually lands you in detention." He smiles, 

I break the silence and walk no where in particular. "What should the password be?" H sits up on the couch to look at me and offers, "Will you let me do the password if I don't hit on you for a week?" 

I look up and ignore how sometimes his eyes are more green then brown, "Deal." 

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