Conversations in the rain.

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The heavy raindrops were knocking on the fragile glass of the window. Streams of the rainwater followed every curve of the asphalted roads, before falling into the drain. Rivers of water ran all around the small town, just like waterfalls, following the hills on their journey down into the unknown. Somewhere far away, the loud roar of the thunder echoed through the quietness of the night, reaching the lonely houses through the open windows. For a split moment, the white bright light of the lightning lit up the dark sky as it hit the moist soil somewhere unknown to the residents of a small town.

The rain was picking up its speed as if trying harder to get into the kitchen on a high floor of the building. Nature itself wanted to become a part of the silent conversation. A large duffle bag of the captain stood in the corridor, as a puddle of water formed under the rough material of the army bag. A soaked wet beanie hat kept the short hair of the man untouched by the weather, as he finally walked into the apartment.

"Good seeing you Alex. Mind giving us a moment?" Price crossed the large hands on his strong chest that was covered by endless types of armored vests throughout his career. Even outside of the battlefield, the captain was used to holding control of every room he was in. Nothing about his body language screamed of friendliness, even in the room of people he knew well.

"Likewise, captain." Alex left the comfort of the wooden chair and Miller's company. A soft nod to the captain said more than any words in the English language could describe. After all, they both were the military men, not the gossipers somewhere on the street. The bright blue eyes of the officer felt the look of the icy blue eyes on his face, as Keller looked at a redhead before disappearing in the living room behind the closed door.

"You broken?" The captain waited, making sure that the door between the two rooms finally created the boundary of privacy for the conversation. The time difference wasn't doing any good to Price, as the day and night turned into one big mess. He found his body resting on one of the chairs at the dining table while trying to catch the gaze of the empty hazel eyes of a woman.

"No, I'm good. There was nothing left when I came." Her hands were wrapped around once warm cup of tea, as the thin layer of coldness formed over a drink. Kelly's eyes were pointing to the same place in the bright wall for the last minutes, as the understanding that the last piece left from Liam she could hold on to was gone.

"Could it be a sign that should go back home, dove?" Price left his hands in a lock on the hard surface of the wooden table. He was patient, waiting for anything Kelly was ready to share with him. Years of being the captain taught John more than any books on parenting could. The man's voice was soft, as if he was talking to a bird, scared that the loudest note in his raspy deep voice would scare her away.

"I'm not crazy to get back to my parent's place, Price." Finally, Miller raised her eyes at the captain in rapid eye contact. Even if Kelly were to lose everything one day, nothing in life would push her to go back to the broken home. The place that could remind her of nothing but trauma, and people who didn't even notice the loss of their only son. Anger, shock, and disagreement mixed up in one inside of her chest, letting a few sparks of emotions shine in her hazel eyes.

"That's not what I said. I meant the army, Kelly." Despite the thunderstorm outside of the window, the temperature inside of thin-walled house was still warm. John could not sit in one place any longer when the thirst was slowly taking control over the man. Slow, but heavy steps of the captain echoed in the silence of the apartment, as he reached for the tall glass of water.

"I doubt I can handle it again, John." A woman took a deep breath, trying to finally summon her own demons and take control of the emotions that were hitting her just like a tsunami. Army once was an escape from the life a redhead never wanted to be a part of, but after an injury turned into a nightmare. A large scar on her leg was an everyday reminder of Miller's unsuccessful career, and a few vibrant nightmares full of the faces of her dead teammates would never let Kelly forget about a failed mission in the deep woods of a foreign country.

"There's nothing I can do to help you, dove if you stay here." The reason for the change of the captain's plans slid into the evening air out of his dry lips. Some hours ago his large boots were stepping on the dry land of Urzikstan, and now Price was on the other side of the world in the warmth of the apartment. Empty threats could never make John even think about it for a moment, but arson was a whole different story.

"Thank you, John. I appreciate your help, but I don't know." A hint of a smile appeared on Kelly's face when she looked back at the man. The words could never express how grateful she was to Price for everything he did for Liam, and her. Tears were ready to form for the last hours in the corner of her eyes in the color of a forest. And eventually, every wall breaks, even the strongest one. Every single feeling Miller was keeping inside was suddenly rolling down her cheeks.

"You don't have to get back to the field right away if you aren't ready, dove. I can find you a deskwork at the base." The large hand of the captain fell onto the shoulder of a woman, as he moved the box of tissues closer to Kelly. John could always use some help with the paperwork that was piling up on his desk as they spoke.

"Let me think about it for a day or two, okay?" A redhead reached for a box of tissues, getting rid of any signs of emotions that were forming into the tears. But, the tears paint her cheeks bright red, leaving the signs still over the once pale face of the woman.

John nodded, not wishing to pressure Miller into any decision she could make under the influence of emotions. Another glass of water stood next to a woman on a table, as the captain chose nothing better but to give her space. His figure disappeared in the doorframe, joining the officer in the dark walls of the living room.

"Alex." The captain noticed the man sitting in the comfort of a three-seater sofa in the middle of the room. The rain was not planning on calming anytime soon, as the few raindrops would find their way inside the apartment through an open ajar window. Tiredness was slowly taking over Price, as he joined Keller on the sofa.

"Yes, sir." One of the books from Kelly's small library was sitting in Alex's hands, as he got distracted from the pages of text by the voice of the captain. He was ready to stand, but as soon as John sat down, an officer understood that there was nowhere to run, yet.

"I need you to get back to duty." The tone of the captain's voice changed with Keller, it wasn't as soft as it was with Miller just a moment before. The situation in Urzikstan was slowly getting out of control, and it was a matter of time before the Armistice was declared officially fallen. There was no other man on Price's team who knew the desert as well as the officer did.

"My other prosthetic and other stuff are back home. But, I'm ready captain." Alex's voice got a long-forgotten tune of joy and motivation to it, as the captain's words found the understanding in the man's mind. Months spent in the torture of his own demons and nothing but four walls were finally coming to an end. It felt as if Keller was ready to hop onto the plane at the very next second, with no duffle bag or even the uniform.

"Glad you're in good spirit, son." A slightest hint of a smile formed over the captain's lips, as he noticed Keller's childish enthusiasm in the air. Little did John know that there were three in that conversation, and not all of them shared the happiness on that rainy evening.

Summer nights were always the shortest throughout the year, but that night felt endless to Miller. As the words flew into the thin air out of the officer's lips, Kelly could swear she felt something breaking into pieces inside of her chest.

Helloooo everyone. I'm convinced Price is the father figure for the whole 141. But damn, Keller's tattoos keep me up at night. Can I have both of them under my tree for Christmas? Have a great week, loooots of love.

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