V1 | C2: Drawing Strength During Peril

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Beacon Hero Academia [REWRITTEN]
V1 | C2: Drawing Strength during Peril

We find Izuku currently jogging his way over to the beach, he had told Team RWBY to meet him at the beach after school to give them the gift bags that he had bought in the morning.

But during his jog, his mind traces back to his recent encounter with Bakugou, his attempt of strangling him to death, and lastly, those burning last words...


"So I better not catch you at U.A, you damn nerd!" Bakugou snarls before he smirks. "And while you're at it, why don't you kill yourself and give Auntie Inko and Uncle Hisashi and those sluts a break?"


Izuku has been trying to forget his uncalled and harmful words, but they were burned into his head. He never liked constantly hearing Bakugou's constantly talk so high and mighty about himself and drag others in the dirt, but what happened today was a new low to Izuku.

He still remembers, all of the harsh words and phrases that has been thrown at him ever since he was announced quirkless...

"Quirkless Monster!"
"Should've learned your Place!"
"Why do you even exist?"

'I swear, no matter how many people tell him or how the school constantly punishes him, he never learns at all. Why did I ever think he could change if he refused the opportunity to?' Izuku thinks to himself as he tries to tune out the tunnel of harsh memories.

Izuku then sees the beach in sight, admiring its scenery from afar while also using it as a way to ignore Bakugou, happy that he had friends who cared about him more than that egotistical jackass did. 'Oh well, he can go crash and burn if he wants to, I don't think I need him anymore now.' Izuku thinks, smiling.

He walks down the steps and looks around, realizing how none of them had made it yet. He had gotten a text message about how they were still making their way there. 'That's strange, they told me that seven minutes ago, they should've been here earlier than me by now...' Izuku thinks, slightly worried that something could've happened. But he sighs and calms.

'Chill Izuku, they might've just run into something on the way here, everything is perfectly fine.' He thinks, smiling that something could've gotten in their way and distracted, he knew that everything was going to be fine.


Or not...

Izuku slightly jumps as he turns over to hear explosions and see rising smoke. 'Oh me and my big fucking mouth.' He sighs, goes back up the stairs, and starts to run towards the smoke, which he believes is coming from the shopping district he was at just recently.

'Girls, if you're there, please be okay, I'm on my way!' Izuku thinks, hoping that they would truly be alright. But deep down he had a feeling, something was bound to be going wrong there.


After much running, Izuku finally made it to the district and was in shock to see what was happening. If he had to describe the situation in one word, it would be...

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