dst ships .1

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I know literally shit about what's normal dst ships lmao but this is just me listing some ships that I really like also if these characters have uncomfy age gaps then please lettme know cause I don't know how old everyone is besides like the super old people like Wickerbottom and the young ones like Wendy and Webber
But yeah if one of these are like.. illegal lettme know lol

I am the biggest Wendy x Webber shipper in the world if I remember correctly they're both around the same age so it's okay and since they're children nothing like bad or honestly even that romantic
They're more so my fav duo I don't think if I really ship it cause I don't see them dating even when they're older but I think thats cause of my aroace hadcannon for Wendy also I SHOULD SO DO SEXUALITY HEADCANNONS NEXT

Anyways now onto a ship I actually see romantic is Willow x Winona
I don't have any reason why but they're lesbians and I love them for it 🫶

Max X Wilson :P I'd prob be against this ship if they didn't cannonly get their shit together and become "friends" (put that in quotes cause idk if friends is a good term they probably start beef eveytime they see eachother) but I love gay old men considering I am a gay young man

I am a multi shipper so don't come for me when I repeat characters

This is completely platonic but I really like Wilson and WX their so silly

Also platonic is the two twins(not actually) Willow and Wilson :P

I really like Wilson

Platonic again but Wickerbottom and Wigfrid OMG it's like old lady and her angsty loud daughter I love them

Help guys I'm currently waiting for deerclops to spawn I'm spooked

I just realized I don't have many dst ships romantic wise, idk I'll nxzjz DEERCLOPS

I am dead


Wanda x Wickerbottom is silly I like old lesbians

Why is everyone gay

I'll prob do a part two LOL

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