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A week later,

Jungkook, with a throbbing headache, wakes up from his sleep. Last night, he once again got drunk after searching Jimin endlessly.


He curses and gets up from the bed, wanting to see his son. Kiyo hasn't been fuzzy for a few days, and Jungkook is thankful for that, but he fears what if Kiyo forgets Jimin. The boy would always look for his mother, but a few days ago, he stopped doing that.

Jungkook doesn't want his son to forget Jimin, his precious husband.

As he entered the nursery, he found the room was empty. He frowned and walked into the living room and spots Taehyung in the kitchen. Taehyung and Seojoon are still living with him, as their old house needs to be renovated and cleaned after not using it for months.

"Where is my son?"

Jungkook asks, his mother-in-law, and Taehyung looks up from his cooking.

"Hyung took Kiyo with him for their daily outing."

Taehyung said, before focusing back on his cooking.

Jungkook sighed and went back to his bedroom. He sat down on the bed and looked at the room; everything reminded him of Jimin. Suddenly his eyes fall on something, and he immediately grabs his phone.

As he watched his phone, his hands trembled, and anger filled his every nerve.

"F̶u̶cking b̶i̶tch."

Jungkook gets up from the bed with a rage and walks into the kitchen, where Taehyung is still cooking.

Taehyung looks up from the cooking and sees Jungkook walking towards him, like he'll murder him.

"Do y-you need a-anything?"

Taehyung asks stuttering, and Jungkook nods his head.

"Yes, I need your life. How dare you ruin my life? Because of you, my Jimin died, and now I'll take my revenge by killing you."

Jungkook yells and Taehyung shivers. As Jungkook attempts to attack Taehyung, the male immediately runs away. Jungkook chased him, but even before he caught him, Taehyung locked himself inside the guestroom.

"Open the fu̶c̶king door."

Jungkook screams, and Taehyung immediately grabs his cellphone. His tears are falling endlessly, afraid Jungkook will murder him.

"Hyung, please come back home. Jungkook will kill me."

Taehyung cried out on the phone to his husband.

"I don't know what happened to him...Yes… I'm locked inside the guest room, but please come soon. He'll break the door anytime."

Taehyung said, before the call ended.

Meanwhile, Jungkook kicks the door, trying to break it open, but he knew it was impossible as he had made the house with high-quality equipment for Jimin's safety.

"You ruined our lives. Why the f̶u̶ck you did? Jimin always thought of you as his mother, but my poor baby didn't knew you were a witch.”

Jungkook cried out, thinking how much Jimin must have felt hurt when he accused him and refused to believe him.

Lose Control || Jikook [C] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now