The Wolf Kissed the Stars[🐺]

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Fem! Eivor x Fem! Reader (Eivor from Assassin's Creed Valhalla)

"You sit and wait for her, why?" Randvi asked.

"What do you expect? We grew up together here. Much like her relationship with Sigurd, it is strong."

"And yet she does nothing with you when she returns."

"Randvi, you know how she is. Especially when she is after that brute."

She sighed, nodding her head.

"I fear my own doubts are flourishing and shining through. I apologize."

"No need to worry. Besides, I know how she is with Sigurd. He was there to save her when her mother and father were killed. They have an interesting bond. A strong one, no less."

Randvi nodded, "I do see that with her and my husband. But you should get some rest. Evior might not be coming home today."

I nodded and stood up, a black bear skin cloak hanging from my shoulders. A gift from Eivor whenever she went after Kjotve. Unfortunately, he slipped through her grasp once more.

"I do hope she is alright," I said as I walked back towards our shared house.

I don't know what Eivor and I were. We were friends, I know that. But there wasn't much from the friendship like how it was before. Sure she grew up wanting to fight and get revenge, but there would be softer times where her and I would lay in the snow and watch the stars. Of course as we got older, we got into different areas of interest. I still laid down in the snow or grass and watched the stars, calculating them and figuring them out. My love for the stars never faltered while I lie and wonder if Evior ever looks at the sky whenever she is not home. I tried to bring back that tradition, but she is never home for more than two nights before she sets back out.

As I lay, thinking of the stars, my mind wanders to the most recent night where Eivor and I were finally able to lay down and watch the stars. It wasn't recent as in a few weeks ago. It was a year ago. She has been away from home since and I sit by the dock every day in hope she returns safely to me. But that night, she was asleep, and actually getting the necessary sleep. It was when I knew that I wanted more from our friendship. I wanted more from her, but I feared with her being gone for so long that we could never do what I wanted. It's selfish, but I've wanted her ever since we were teenagers. Maybe it's too late.

I stepped onto the docks of Fornburg and found that most of the torches were burnt out. I let out a heavy breath as my hand from my side slowly moved away. A stinging sensation was running throughout my abdomen. I stumbled off the docks and fell onto the ground, red staining the white snow beneath. Slowly pushing myself upwards, I got to my feet and walked towards my house. I was about to step inside, but Randvi came out from the side.

"Randvi, you nearly scared the heavens out of me."

"She's been waiting for you. Where have you been?"


"I can see," she eyed my hand.

"Is she home?"

"She's asleep."

"I shouldn't wake her."

"I don't think she'd mind. Besides, she really misses you."

Randvi disappeared and I opened the door, finding her asleep. I knelt beside her and rested a hand to her cheek.

"Y/N. Y/N? Y/N."

I blinked my eyes open and I was met with blue eyes as the fire crackled.

"Eivor?" I sat up. "I-Is that really you?"

I went to reach up to caress her cheek, but she grabbed my wrist and placed it on her cheek for me.

"It is, Y/N."

My eyes trailed down to her hand as there was blood seeping from the cracks.


"I need your help."

Eivor collapsed onto the ground and I immediately got to work. It was a struggle to get her on her bed, so I just put her on mine since it was closer. I stitched up the stab wound and let her rest. I smiled sadly to myself as I stood up and walked outside, letting the frigid winter air bite at my warm skin.

I sat down in the same place we used to watch the stars together. All of them were as bright as ever, dancing against the black lit sky like they were center stage of a performance. They danced beside one another and even went after their partners, yearning to be together. A tear slid down my cheek as I admired everything about them, but one caught my attention. Two stars, beside one another, destined to dance together, but forced to be apart. The one tries to reach for the other, but their dance partner leaves.

"This place."

I turned and found Eivor beside me.

"You should be resting."

"And so should you."

"Now you care about me, Eivor? You've been gone for a year."

"I apologize. A lot came up."

"Do you have any idea how much I missed you?"

"I have an inkling. You don't have to believe me on this, but I missed you as well. I even brought you a gift."

She placed something in my hand, concealing it before I could see it for myself. I opened my hand and found it was a necklace with a fire like gem stone in the center. It was in the shape of a constellation I told her about. It was my favorite one, too.

"Eivor," I picked my head up.

"I may have been away from home, but I never stop thinking about you."

"I-I don't know what to say."

"Then let me," she reached up and placed a hand on my cheek.

I could get lost in those blue eyes.

"Eivor," I whispered.

She leaned towards me and lightly placed her lips against mine. Oh how I yearned and fantasized this moment. And it was right here. In a place that I held so deeply in my heart. I happily kissed back, not wanting to let this moment slip by. I pulled away and our eyes fluttered open.

"I've missed you," she smiled.

For the first time in a long time, she smiled. And it made my heart soar, as I was the one who could make her genuinely smile like that.

"I've missed you, too. And thank you."

"For what?"

"The necklace. The kiss."

"It was about time I showed you how I felt about you."

"I felt this way about you for a long time."

"I know. I was just too afraid to say anything."

"The great Eivor Wolf-Kissed is too afraid of something! Someone call the poets they have to record this!"

Eivor laughed and playfully shoved me, "Try as they might. Unless they want their tongues ripped out."

"I wouldn't mind being that someone."

"Oh, I can do more than rip out your tongue."

I shoved her to the ground, straddling her waist.

"And what may that be, Wolf-Kissed?"

She smirked and swiftly changed positions, grabbing my wrists with one hand and putting them above my head.

"Try and you'll find out."

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