Everyone is coming over to hang out with us. We are going in the pool. And have a campfire later on at night.
It's 8 and I hear Isla babbling on the baby monitor. So I went to grab her, changed her diaper, and put her in.I gave I put her in her bouncer and heated her milk and she was able to hold the bottle on her own. I took Coco outside to go potty and to run around in the backyard and she doesn't like water so she doesn't go by the pool.
Javon came down and gave Isla and me a kiss on our forehead. And sat down by me on the couch.
We should order some pizza and wings for dinner tonight (me)
That's sounds good (Javon)
Perfect I will order the pizza at 5:40 before everyone comes over at 6:30(me)
Sounds good (Javon)
Isla was done with her bottle so I grabbed the bottle from her and put it in the sink.
Javon took her out of her boner and put her in her playtime area so she could roll over on the floor. we also have a water mat so she can try to get the fish at are on the mat.
she loves her little water mat so Javon took it out and had her face the little fishes and water and had a smile on her face and she smacked the water.
what are you doing silly girl () I was walking back to the living room and sat next to Javon on the floor.