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Y/n pov
I closed the door and made sure that it is well closed
Then took my stick & start walking

My tracks stopped when i felt something in my legs
'Bow bow' i heard.
Huh? A dog?
I tried to shew it away
"Hey, i got this dog for you"
My action got stuck to hear one familiar voice
I can hear his chuckle
"Iam the same guy from last night"
He stated
I felt a little creep as iam a over thinker i thought why would he come again?
"Nice to meet you again mr. Jung."
I stated
"Did i made you uncomfortable by showingup again?"
He asked concernly
Did he read my mind?
"No no it's ok"
I stated that while smiling awkwardly
"I can clearly see that you are uncomfortable, iam sorry for that. I felt a little bit concern for you, i want to make sure that you are ok. This dog will lead your way, it is a trained dog, so don't worry."
He stated that calmly
I felt sad to think bad about this guy
Still i can't trust anyone blindly
"Thank you for you concern, i will be always greatful."
I stated earning a chuckle from him
"Yes miss, will see you another time then."
He stated
I can feel him getting away, so do his fragrance.

I again walked with the help of the stick and i can feel that the dog is also coming with me.
Hoseok pov
I saw her walking away from a distance
I admired that strong women, she is her own power
The dog i gifted her also going along with her
I chuckled to see it fanning its tale while going with her by showing love
Y/n pov
Iam waiting for crossing the road, still that dog is with me
I tried to shew it away but no use
Once i got to know that the light became green i started to walk
But suddenly i felt grip in my sling back which pulled me back to side
I heared loud noice of a car
Suddenly some people approached me
"Miss are you ok?"
A elderly voice asked
Why are they asking this?
"If this dog didn't helped you then you will end up dying by car crash"
I heared another statement
So that dog pulled my bag! It saved me!
A relief smile appeared in my face
"Yes, iam totally fine"
I stated
"Seems like that car crossed that road rules."
One person stated i nodded

One of them helped me to cross the road
That dog also crossed along with me
I reached at the park and sat down to reach the dog's level
"Thank you so much"
I said that and patted it's face & i can feel it licking my hands, gaining giggles from me

"What are you doing here y/n?"
That voice caught my attention
I stoodup and turned around
"I just got bored so i came here"
I stated that emotionlessly
I can clearly say that he is sad to hear my cold way of talking
He cleared his throat
"Whos dog is this?"
He asked
"Don't you think that you are asking too much questions?"
I asked
To hear nothing from him
There were silence for few seconds
"I can say that you are still angry at me"
He stated
"Then why are you still talking to me?"
I asked
"Because i want to."
He stated
"But i don't want to talk to you NAMJOON."
I replied, to hear his bitterly chuckle
"Have a nice day y/n."
He said that sadly and left from there leaving me behind
I can feel my warm tears on my cheeks, i closed my eyes tightly to release the remaining tears which is stuck in my eyes~
To be continued

To be continued

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