Spicy and Jayce exchange glances again as Mrs Choi looked at them.
She diverted her gaze to the unconscious Ben and her eyes dilated.
" What happened here? You both killed him?" She asked fearfully.
" Jayce... Spicy? How can you both be so heartless to kill someone? What am I even saying? You both aren't human!!" she shouted.
" Ma'am....
" Don't you dare say a word, I'm gonna call the cops right now" She got her phone from her pant's pocket.
" Sure, they aren't human, so?" Silvio spoke up and Mrs Choi looked at him with a frown.
" Pardon? " She creased her brow.
" They're not human so? Are you gonna expose them? Your major concern should be; taking this greedy human from here before he dies and fails to attend his competition tomorrow"
" He has a competition tomorrow?" Spicy's eyes widened.
" If I were you Mrs Choi, calling the cops will be an option I'll never settle for. This human here, " he pointed at Ben.
" He'll definitely be needing a wheelchair since he can't use a stick cause she broke his wrist " he added and fear gripped Mrs Choi at once.
Secretly, she took her phone to dial a number while Silvio shook his head.
" Humans are just too annoying.." he muttered and looked at the phone in Mrs Choi hands and immediately, the phone stopped functioning.
Jayce and Spicy were lost. They had no idea about what was happening again even though they were both so scared.
" What's wrong with this" Mrs Choi wondered as she hit the phone on her palm, trying to see if it'll work.
" Mrs Choi.." Silvio called and she looked up at him, locking gaze with him in the process..
He smiled slightly but shortly and even though it wasn't the widest smile, it could melt any soul.
" Wow " Spicy muttered, senselessly.
Only if he could keep smiling that way.
The smile vanished from his face completely and he looked at Jayce and Spicy.
" Won't you greet Mrs Choi?" He asked and they both exchanged glances.
" Good evening Mrs Choi " They greeted at once.
" Oh!! Spicy, Jayce!!! What are you guys doing here when there's a party out there?' She asked and Jayce and Spicy exchanged glances before looking at Silvio with the " what's happening?" type of look.
" Oh! But what brought you here ma'am?" Jayce asked.
" I was bored and the room felt kinda stuffed so I decided to take a walk. I'm even thinking of going back to school soon and.... she didn't get to complete her statement when she saw the unconscious Ben again.
" OMG, what happened to him?" She asked.
" We....
" Let's take him to the hospital.." Mrs Choi interrupted and stared at her phone. It wasn't working.
" Oh! That.." Silvio whispered, staring at the phone and it began functioning again.
She called 911 and in no time, an ambulance was sent to them while Ben was rushed to the hospital at once.
" Who is that?" Paola asked as they all watch the ambulance drove out.
" No idea but why is Spicy, Jayce and Silvio going with them? Don't tell me she did something to someone?" Kitten gasped.

FantasySpicy Kang, A twenty year old hollyhills college student. Alot of people make mockery about how weird her name is but She doesn't care or give a damn She's a trouble maker, she's sassy, rude and whatever anyone could ever think of and above all, She...