" You were the best kid brother anyone could ever ask for. You were unique, troublesome, awesome, cute and a darling.. I'm gonna miss you so much Winter. Don't go back on your words cos I'll watch you at night and you must shine brightly like you've promised"
" Let's be siblings again... So you must wait for me okay? I must be born first then you can come later cos if I have you as my elder brother, then I'm doomed" Spicy smiled sadly as tears left her eyes.
" Live a good life in the afterlife and I'll miss you so much..I love you winter, you'll forever be in my heart.." She cleaned her eyes.
she went over to Silvio and hugged him.
" Don't erase his memory from me please" She said and he stroke her hair gently.
" I won't.. I'll only do what he asked of me" He replied and her hands tightened around him.
She was sniffing greatly.
" Is there somewhere you wanna go?" Silvio asked.
" I need to see Mom and Dad.." She muttered. He nodded and Time started ticking again.
She disengaged from the hug and they left the place to where their car was parked. They met Jayce leaning against his car, still in tears.
" Let's go " Spicy said after a while and Jayce who was oblivious of their presence immediately cleaned his eyes like he wasn't crying but then his eyes failed him because they were swollen and red.
" I wanna see my parents, I haven't seen them since the incident and it's been days already" She said and Jayce nodded.
He got into his car while Spicy and Silvio got into Silvio's car.. They started their cars and left the burial site afterwards.
Derrick was in the sitting room, busy with his laptop while Lyra was in the kitchen cooking his meals.
They didn't go to work because Lyra wasn't feeling too well.
No matter how she tries to think of the reason for her sudden illness, she couldn't remember. Most times, she'll feel the urge to tear up like something bad had happened to her. Any time she experiences the urge, she has this feeling of déjà Vu which makes her heart ache most times.
She just couldn't explain the feelings.
She was done with cooking and set the table too. She left for the sitting room to inform Derrick about his meal when the door opened, revealing Spicy whose eyes were very red.
" Spicy?" Lyra called and Spicy ran into her arms at once, crying on her shoulder.
" Mom.." She cried.
" Is some wrong? What's with the tears? Are you feeling pain?" Lyra asked and She nodded.
" Yeah mom.. The pain is so grieve that I think my heart will stop beating any moment soon" she said and Lyra pulled out of the hug.
" Is it that severe? Should we go to the hospital?" She asked concerned.
" I miss you that's why.." She said instead and Lyra chuckled.
" I thought it was something severe.." Lyra muttered, pulling her cheek while Spicy forced a smile.
" Dad!" she went to Derrick. She sat on his laps and wrapped her hands around his neck, hugging him tight.
" I miss you dad.. I miss you so much that I couldn't help but cry.." She whispered and Derrick hugged her back tightly.
They stayed that way for minutes before disengaging from the hug.

FantasíaSpicy Kang, A twenty year old hollyhills college student. Alot of people make mockery about how weird her name is but She doesn't care or give a damn She's a trouble maker, she's sassy, rude and whatever anyone could ever think of and above all, She...