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Hey guys, this is my new story, I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to vote!


Cora Woodley sat in her usual spot in the school library, surrounded by a fortress of books. Her dark brown hair fell in loose waves over her shoulders, and her black-rimmed glasses perched delicately on her nose. She wore a vintage Doctor Who t-shirt and faded jeans, preferring comfort over the latest fashion trends. Her best friends, Lilian and Ethan, sat across from her, deeply engrossed in their own work. Lilian was reading the latest fantasy novel, while Ethan was tinkering with his laptop, probably working on some new coding project.

Cora loved the library; it was her sanctuary. Here, she could escape into the worlds of her books and forget about the chaos of high school. She was known as the "nerdy girl" and wore the title with pride. Her wit and sarcasm were her armour, protecting her from the judgments and sneers of her peers. Despite her love for solitude, she cherished her friends, who accepted her for who she was.

"Hey, Cora," Lily said, breaking the silence. "Did you finish the chemistry homework?"

"Of course," Cora replied with a smirk. "It's not like there's anything else I'd rather be doing on a Friday night."

Ethan chuckled. "You know, you could always come to one of our coding meet ups. It's not all math and algorithms- we do have fun."

"Thanks, but I'll stick to my books," Cora said, glancing at her watch. "We should get going. First day of senior year and all."


Meanwhile, across campus, Jacob Dawes was striding through the hallways of Riverside High with his signature confidence. His blond hair was perfectly styled, and his blue eyes scanned the crowd, acknowledging the waves and smiles from his admirers. He was dressed in a crisp polo shirt and designer jeans, exuding an air of effortless cool. 

Jacob was the definition of popularity. As the captain of the basketball team, he commanded attention and respect. His friends, Mike and Emily, flanked him, their presence reinforcing his status. Mike, another popular athlete, was Jacob's right-hand man, while Emily, the head cheerleader, was his on-again, off-again girlfriend.

"Ready to rule the school again, Dawes?" Mike asked, clapping Jacob on the back.

"You know it," Jacob replied with a grin. "Senior year is ours."

Emily linked her arm through Jacob's. "Don't forget about the party at my place this weekend. It's going to be epic."

Jacob nodded, already planning his weekend around the social events that kept his popularity intact. 


The first day of the new school year brought a buzz of excitement and anticipation. Cora and her friends navigated the crowded hallways, discussing their class schedules and extracurricular plans. As they approached the lockers, Cora noticed hers was right next to Jacob's.

"Great," she muttered under her breath. "Just what I needed."

Jacob, oblivious to her irritation, was chatting with Mike and Emily. As he opened his locker, his arm swung out, knocking Cora's stack of books to the ground.

"Watch it, nerd," Jacob said, barely glancing at her.

Cora's eyes narrowed. "Maybe if you paid as much attention to where you're going as you do to your reflection, this wouldn't happen."

Jacob raised an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by her retort. "Feisty, aren't we? Must be compensating for something."

"Yeah, like your lack of basic manners," Cora shot back, picking up her books.

Their friends watched the exchange with a mix of amusement and curiosity. It was clear that this was just the beginning of a turbulent relationship.


Jacob, on the other hand, found Cora's sarcasm both irritating and intriguing. He complained to Mike and Emily about her.

"Can you believe her?" Jacob said as they walked to their next class. "The nerve of that girl."

"She's got guts, I'll give her that," Mike said, laughing. "Not many people talk to you like that."

"Maybe you need someone to keep you in check," Emily teased, but Jacob could sense a hint of irritation in her voice.

Jacob shrugged it off, not wanting to dwell on it. He was used to being admired, not challenged. But something about Cora's defiance got under his skin. He started paying more attention to her, watching her interactions with her friends, trying to understand what made her tick.



Cora couldn't shake off the irritation from her encounter with Jacob. She vented to Lilian and Ethan as they made their way to their first class.

"I can't stand him," Cora said, her voice dripping with annoyance. "He thinks he owns the school."

"Well, he kind of does," Ethan said with a shrug. "At least in the social hierarchy."

"That doesn't give him the right to be a jerk," Lilian said, siding with Cora. "Just ignore him, Cora. He's not worth your energy."

Cora nodded, but it was easier said than done. Everywhere she turned, Jacob seemed to be there, his arrogance and popularity grating on her nerves. She noticed how teachers gave him leeway, how students flocked around him, and it only fuelled her dislike about him.

This year is going to be a hell of a ride.

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