Plans for the sins.

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"Alright. Since we've been back a week from escaping the prison. Let's plan out our sweet revenge." Vince explains smiling.
"Alright, but Acacia is going to have to join me because her wounds aren't healed fully. Plus we can't really have her going blood thirsty when she's alone." Suki explains as she looks at Acacia who's sitting on a chair. Acacia shrugs.
"Okay, so we have all got people in mind who we want dead?" Vince asks.
The whole group agree.
"Okay, I'm going after my sister. Not my parents because I already killed them. Almost killing my little brother too, for no reason." Vince explains grinning.
"I wanna go after my mother. Cuz she's an abusive prick." Acacia shouts smiling.
"I'm going after petal and the other two girls." Suki explains as she looks around still shocked at how she can see without using the manipulator. (The eye that follows behind her.)
"Me and Supaisu are just gonna explore and rob places. We are also going to try capture some hero's because it's fun." Aspen explains.
"I think I'm going to go search for my brother. He disappeared when I found you guys. He's two years older than me." Liones explains.
"Alright, tomorrow we will all go our separate ways. If one of us isn't here by midnight don't wait." Vince explains.
The others look unsure but still agree.
"Hey Vince! Let's play Mario kart! Suki! I want to help you bake! Aspen! Supaisu! Let's draw together! Liones! I want to train with you or help you build wooden sculptures!" Acacia asks smiling.
"Alright!" They all agree confused at why she asked for all this.

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