18. Anywhere, Any When

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Peter disappeared into the wardrobe and returns a few minutes later with trousers and a plain T-shirt. The simplicity of the clothes does nothing to detract from his attractiveness.

"Hi." Avalon whispered pulling the blankets up around her. 

"Hello there." He answered jumping back into bed. He kissed her, making her blush. 

"What?" She whispered when he didnt look away. 

"Looking in your eyes I see my forever." Peter answered, she pulled him closer lips colliding her blankets falling as he climbed atop her again. 

Vermithor, the Old King Jaehaerys' own dragon, bent his neck to a blacksmith's bastard, a towering man called Hugh the Hammer or Hard Hugh, whilst a pale-haired man-at-arms named Ulf the White- for his hair or Ulf the Sot -for his drinking mounted Silverwing, beloved of Good Queen Alysanne.

Seasmoke, who had once borne Laenor Velaryon, took onto his back known as Addam of Hull, whose origins remain a matter of dispute amongst everyone in westeros.

"Lets head out." Rhaenyra demanded. 

"Peter is there any point in asking you to stay behind?" Avalon questioned. 

"Nope, but I promise to hold on tight this time." Peter countered. 

"Okay." Avalon chuckled kissing him again. "Because I can't be flying down to catch you again."

"I will hold on tight,'' he held her closer now to prove it. 

"Lets go enough grab ass!" Rocket demanded. 

"I am groot." 

"Come on lets keep it PG!" Peter countered following after them. 

Aegon had suffered from burns that covered half his body, a broken hip, and numerous broken ribs. His armor had melted into his left arm, and it would take him what felt like forever to recover. He hated being so weak and vulnerable, his mind was clouded by milk of the poppy, causing him to sleep nine hours out of every ten. He could barely keep his eyes open past the pain. He did not rise from his bed for moons and some say he prayed for his death. LOrds knew Rhaenyra prayed for her half brothers death.

It was Lord Larys Strong the Clubfoot, who spirited the king and his remaining two children out of the city when the queen's dragons first appeared in the skies above King's Landing.

Larys knew he had to get the king out of the city but how? So as not to pass through any of the city gates, where they might be seen and remembered, Larys led them out through some secret passage of Maegor the Cruel.

It was Lord Larys who decreed the fugitives should part company as well, so that even if one were taken, the others might win free. 

Aegon felt despicable. Only Larys himself knew that the king, stripped of his finery and clad in a salt-stained fisherman's cloak, had been concealed amongst a load of codfish on a fishing skiff in the care of a bastard knight with kin on Dragonstone.

"Stay quiet my king," Henry requested of Aegon. "You will be there in two days time." He held out a vial of poppy. "Lord Larys gave me enough to last you a while." Aegon drank it down.

"I hate this, look at me. I'm a king." He rasped.

"And the traitor took your castle, you are not strong enough, your brother ran off to try and track down daemon. You know they will never suspect you here."

"The castle is secure, no sign of the traitor king and his children." Rhaenyra scowled, she would never truly get her claim on the throne when others were still fighting for Aegon. She needed him found and killed.

Rhaenyra sent men hunting after Aegon...but a boat leaves no trail upon the waves, and few hunters would ever think to look for Aegon on his sister's own island, in the very shadow of her stronghold.

Rhaenyra too well that the sea offered an escape. They would be searching in all the wrong places for years while Aegon gained his strength and took back the castle.

Even on Dragonstone, long Queen Rhaenyra's seat and stronghold, they found many who misliked the queen for reasons both good and ill. Some grieved for brothers, sons, and fathers slain during the Sowing or during the Battle of the Gullet, some hoped for plunder or advancement, whilst others believed a son must come before a daughter, giving Aegon the better claim. Since Avalon, a woman was also Rhaenyra's heir the people were annoyed even more and further gave claim that Aegon should be king. Cruel and brunt as he was. He was a man.

"You did it mama." Avalon remarked.

"Why does this feel like a talk I don't want to have?" Rhaenyra countered. 'Avalon we won."

"Yes but-"

"No buts." Rhaenyra begged.

"The reason rocket really wanted Aemond's sapphire was because it contained what he needed to start his ship. I found him a similar one. Remember the walnut sized sapphires, I found another for him, told him it was aemond's. He was very impressed." Avalon remarked. Rhaenyra chuckled. "They can go back home and Peter wants to take me with him." Avalon remarked softly. Rhaenyra's smile fell. 

"What..." Rhaenyra didn't understand.

"I won't be gone forever, jace will be your second." she added.

"Oh Avalon..." Rhaenyra held her. "I lost Luke, I sent away the younger boys... now I will lose you too?"

"You aren't losing me. I'm just not interested in being trapped her like some sort of damsel." Avalon countered. 

"You arent trapped, we are home." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"And I want an adventure." Avalon countered. "I want to do something worth my skills and mind... I dont want to just sit around council meetings forever. I want to... do something."

"Being my heir you will do amazing things." 

"I will. One day." Avalon agreed. "I just need to... Peter and his friends saved the world years in the future." Avalon reminded her. "I want to do something awesome like that." 

"That sounds dangerous." Rhaenyra countered. 

"It will be." Avalon agreed. "But I will have Peter with me."

"You really like him." Rhaenyra realized. 

"I do." Avalon agreed. "He never treated me like I was weak or fragile. He likes me. He treats me as his equal, something Aemond never did." She added. "I want to explore this with him." 

"Then you have my blessing," RHaenyra agreed. "As long as you come back."

"Alright when and where are we going?" Peter questioned.


"Yeah got the time vortex ready to go." Rocket agreed slapping the dashboard. "Because I'm awesome."

"Anywhere and any when?" Avalon needed clarification because this ship as it was, was massive and freaking her out that this sort of technology existed. 

"Yep." Rocket agreed. "Because I'm awesome." He winked back at her.

'Stop flirting with my girl."  Peter demanded. Avalon liked this, his girl. 

"Go back to the day my grandsire died. That night the day of the petition." Avalon demanded.


"Do it, I can take change everything!" Avalon demanded. "I can be the hero."

Damsel in Distress / Peter Quill x HOTDWhere stories live. Discover now