Chapter 4

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As she mopped the floor with gentle strokes, her long dark brown hair tied in a neat bun, her doe eyes cast downward, focused on the task at hand. Her innocent look and fair complexion made her appear almost ethereal, and her prominent beauty bone structure gave her a delicate, heart-shaped face. Her pink lips were set in a soft, gentle pout, and her hands moved with a quiet efficiency as she cleaned.

The sound of heels clicking on the floor made her heart skip a beat, and she recognized the ominous tread. Her heart began to race, and her breaths became shallow. She didn't dare look up, knowing that something bad was about to happen. It was a familiar feeling, one she had grown accustomed to.

The girl with medium curly hair and a beautiful but evil look sauntered into the room, her eyes flashing with malice. She stood near the young girl, her gaze dripping with disdain, and her smile twisted into a cruel grin. The young girl felt a shiver run down her spine as the evil girl's eyes locked onto the vase on the table.

Without hesitation, the evil girl strode towards the table, her hand raised, and struck the vase with a swift, vicious motion. The delicate glass shattered into a hundred pieces, and the young girl jerked, her breaths becoming irregular. She felt a surge of fear mixed with a deep sadness.

The evil girl turned and walked away, leaving the young girl to pick up the pieces. The young girl put the mop aside and fetched the broom, her hands trembling slightly as she began to sweep up the broken glass. A shard cut her finger, and she winced, "Ouch!" She quickly applied pressure to the cut and then rummaged through her uniform pocket for a bandage.

As she cleaned up the mess, her mind wandered to the evil girl's motivations. Why did she take pleasure in causing pain and destruction? The young girl sighed, her heart heavy with the weight of her situation.

The sound of the broom sweeping the floor was the only sound in the room, a stark contrast to the chaos that had just ensued. The young girl's eyes remained downcast, her focus on the task at hand, as she cleaned up the place.

As she entered the kitchen, the girl's gaze swept across the room, taking in the familiar sights and sounds. The warm glow of the fireplace, the aroma of freshly baked bread, and the clatter of pots and pans all blended together to create a sense of comfort and routine. However, her sense of relief was short-lived, as she noticed the stern expression on Mrs. Jenkins' face, the cook, and the mountain of vegetables waiting to be chopped on the counter.

Her heart sank, and her shoulders slumped slightly, as she realized that today would be just another long and arduous day of drudgery. She felt a pang of weariness, knowing that she would be on her feet for hours, with little rest or respite.

Despite her fatigue, she steeled herself for the tasks ahead, knowing that she had no choice but to comply. She took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and began to make her way towards Mrs. Jenkins, ready to face whatever demands lay ahead.

Her eyes widened slightly as she approached Mrs. Jenkins, her heart racing with a mix of anxiety and fatigue. She had been on her feet since dawn, and the thought of another long day of chores was daunting.

"Yes, Mrs. Jenkins," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. She cast her eyes downward, avoiding eye contact, as she had learned to do over time.

Mrs. Jenkins handed her a list of tasks, her expression stern and unyielding. "Get to work on these vegetables, and don't waste any time. We need to get lunch ready, and the mistress is expecting guests today."

She took the list, her hands trembling slightly as she scanned the endless tasks. She felt a surge of hopelessness, wondering if she would ever be free from this drudgery. She began to work, her movements mechanical, her mind numb, as she struggled to hold back tears of frustration and despair.

As Elena finished preparing the breakfast, Mrs. Jenkins' voice pierced the air, assigning her to serve the family alongside Mia and Tracy. "Elena, Mia, Tracy, you'll serve breakfast today. Hurry up, you're wasting time!"

Elena's eyes widened in dismay, her heart sinking like a stone. She knew that serving breakfast was a recipe for disaster, especially with Ava at the table. She wanted to protest, but Mrs. Jenkins' stern tone brooked no argument.

"Yes, Mrs. Jenkins," Elena replied meekly, her voice barely above a whisper.

As she pushed her trolley towards the dining hall, her eyes scanned the room for any sign of Ava. Relief washed over her when she saw that Ava was nowhere to be found. She began serving the bread and pastries, her hands shaking slightly as she poured the juice.

Just as she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the door swung open and Ava swept into the room. Her gaze locked onto Elena, a wicked grin spreading across her face like a crack in a mirror. Elena's heart skipped a beat as Ava's eyes seemed to gleam with malevolent intent.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here," Ava said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "The little servant girl, serving us breakfast. How quaint."

Elena felt a surge of fear as Ava's eyes seemed to bore into her soul. She tried to avoid eye contact, but Ava's gaze was like a magnet, drawing her in.

As Elena poured the juice into Ava's glass, her hand trembled uncontrollably. Ava's arm shot out, nudging Elena's, and the juice splashed onto her dress. The room fell silent, except for Ava's shrill cry of outrage.

"You clumsy little fool!" Ava shrieked, her face red with rage. "Look what you've done now!"

To be continued

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