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Belle huffed as she walked down the hallway angrily, files under her arm with her days work as she forced herself to be the bigger person. She was truly starting to hate being the bigger person when it came to Simon Riley, but she was well aware that he wasn't going to be. She walked past room after room, heading towards the task force common room. It was late and she was silently hoping that he might've gone to bed, but he hadn't. She found Ghost sitting in a chair with a laptop in his hands as he was clearly waiting on her.

"I can talk now." Belle said with frustration as she moved to stand in front of Ghost who glanced up at her with raised eyebrows at the tone she was using with him.

"Watch your attitude." Ghost said, his tone a little warning as he looked up at her. Belle looked at him with her arms crossed, annoyed at what he was saying. Annoyed at how he was even relaxed in the chair, looking between her and his laptop as if she wasn't angry at him. As if she was just his subordinate when in reality she had just about as much power over him then he did of her.

"You have no right to tell me to watch my attitude when you come storming into my office trying to start problems." Belle said, throwing herself down into the plush chair across from him, slouching. Belle was fully aware that this conversation was more then likely not to go anywhere productive but she sure as hell wasn't just going to walk away when he was trying to blow her off. Ghost glanced between Belle and his laptop, the blue glow from his laptop one of the few lights in the room on at the late hour.

"I'm not starting problems Isabelle." Ghost responded, his voice monotone as ever and his eyes returning to his laptop as if it were more interesting then the angry girl sitting across from him. He could practically feel the way that his words seemed to fuel her ever growing frustration with him, and deep down he almost found it amusing. Almost.

"Then what are you doing?" Belle asked back through gritted teeth, not even bothering to hide her annoyance with him. Ghost glanced back at her, watching as she sat forwards in the chair where his friends and him had been chatting just hours before. When the topic of Belle had come up, he had quickly made sure to change it, but he was fully aware that Soap, Roach and Gaz were rather fond of the small brunette. It seemed like everyone except him seemed to find the shrink as good company who was worth knowing military secrets. It was impossibly frustrating that everyone seemed to like her. "Because I'm trying to do my job and quite frankly you are making it impossible!" Belle said with extreme frustration, practically tossing the files she'd been holding down onto the small table between them as if to make a point. Ghost raised his eyebrows at the little act she was putting on across from him.

"I am not." Ghost said after a beat of silence between them. Belle glowered at him because all he had done was fight against her when she'd been trying to get him back on the field. She was trying to help him, and he was making it as hard as possible for her.

"You are." Belle said back without any hesitation. When Ghost shut his laptop and went to get to his feet, Belle was immediately getting up with him. He gave her another long pause, staring at her as if asking if she really wanted to fight this fight. She glowered at him, silent anger that was on the verge to bubble up.

"I'm not talking to you when you're this," Ghost turned his back on her but not before he saw the frustration flash in her eyes at the unfinished sentence. He started to walk towards the hall which would lead back to his private quarters, but Belle quickly stormed after him.

"Say it." Belle says, almost daring Ghost to finish the sentence which he had known would work her up so much. He knew that he could get in Belle's head just as much as Ghost could get in hers. It was like they were made to argue and go each other, able to read each other like open books. "Simon Riley, say it." She snapped angrily and stepped in front of Ghost who was forced to stop walking, staring down at her and her audacity.

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