Chapter 8

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After 2 weeks

"Jimin! Sorry, I am late." Jungkook said as soon as he arrived at their table.

"No, you are fine. Take a seat. I just ordered an appetizer, I hope that's fine with you." Jimin said.

"Of course it is." Jungkook said.

"How was work?" Jimin asked as he picked up his fork for his salad.

"Work is a lot. My father wanted me to learn more the ins and outs of the business, but it's hard. I was an engineer for a long time in Paris, but never did I handle contracts and all. I usually just follow what I am told." Jungkook said before he took a bite of the salad ordered by Jimin. "How was it handling your hotel?"

"I see. You'll eventually get used to it. You are always the smartest amongst all of us." Jimin said. "My hotel is fine. It's a good thing that my dad do not push me to do something like yours. They are fine with me handling just one hotel for now. The hotel is also financially performing, I have good marketing team." Jimin proudly said.

"I heard about the livebands at your restaurant! I should also visit that!" Jungkook said excitedly.

"You should! I have invited you multiple times but you were always busy." Jimin said in a pout.

"Don't pout at me now, Jimin. I promise to make time this weekend." Jungkook said with a chuckle.

"Okay. I'll prepare a seat for you."

Their conversation went on until their main menu arrived. Them being friends is not new for the both. Jungkook is easy to get along with, same as Jimin. If Jungkook will be asked, he can easily say that Jimin is like a brother for him.

"Jungkook, I've always wanted to ask you."

"Hm, what about?" Jungkook asked as he wiped his mouth with the table napkin ready to answer Jimin's question.

Jimin put his pork down and did not look at Jungkook. He is scared of the answer the man in front of him might say.

"Jimin?" Jungkook asked when he saw Jimin just looking at his plate.

"Oh... yeah... uhm... I've wanted to ask i-if... m-maybe w-we can l-level up our friendship?" Jimin asked courageously.

Jungkook was surprised but he knew they'll eventually have to talk about this.

He breathes in before giving Jimin the answer he always knew will be. "I'm sorry, Jimin. I only view you as a friend."

Jimin felt his world fell apart but he always knew and felt, despite of their closeness, Jungkook is still distant and never showed any slight affection.

"I am not sure if it's a response you would want to hear, but it's the only response I can give you right now. I honestly tried to also measure my feelings for you, but the closer I get to you, the more that I wanted to be a brother to you instead.

I mean I am comfortable with you, Jimin. I like how we are right now, but honestly, it's not something I have always imagined to be deeper. I'm s---"

"Stop saying sorry." Jimin chuckles. "It's not as if you did something wrong. You were just honest with me and I appreciate it a lot.

Some might take advantage of the thought that I like them and would even pretend. I was played multiple times because of my status. A lot wanted to be with me just to have the thought that they are with me... it hurts when I think about it because they made me believe they wanted me when they don't.

I appreciate your honesty, Jungkook, and the thought that you are not trying to just be with me but that you are a friend to me. I don't want this to be a sad one for us and I wonder if we can do something like this even after this?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook smiled at him. "Of course, Jimin. I will always be here for you anytime that you'll need me." Jungkook said.

"Can I even get a hug?" Jimin asked again.

Jungkook chuckled but stood up from his seat, followed by Jimin, and they walked near each other as they hugged so tight.

"Thank you, Kook." Jimin said and Jungkook nodded.


"I don't really get it why you like this restaurant so much, Jin." Hoseok said as he followed Jin inside the almost newly opened restaurant for their lunch.

"Why do you keep on complaining when it's me who's going to pay for your food anyway?" Jin said as he approached the receptionist for their reservation.

"You will?" Hoseok asked with widened eyes.

Jin just rolled his eyes on him. Sometimes, he wonders how his friendship with Hoseok would develop into something like this as they are totally opposite. Hoseok is an extremely extrovert person while he is an introvert but he also thinks that they are a perfect balance considering their attitude and how one cheers up or give advices to the other.

Still, he is thankful for having Hoseok, who's the only friend he can trust so far.

As soon as they have arrived at their table, the chef and the manager went to them, knowing Jin very well as their regular customer and it's also very obvious how much the chef wanted his attention.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Kim, Mr. Jung. Here are the menu and as per usual, Chef Minho is here to cook the food for you." The manager said.

"Thank you, Manager Cha. Surprise me, Chef Minho." Jin said as he smiled and winked at the chef.

The chef also smiled at him but with an obvious flirtation that Jin never engaged with. Three men in his life are already enough to fill his empty bed, adding one more who is not part of the plan is a nuisance.

The chef and the manager bowed as they left to prepare the food.

"You are always a flirt." Hoseok commented.

"What? I just wanted us to have the best food. That's how you entice a good customer service." Jin said to his friend as they both laughed.

Hoseok stopped laughing when he noticed someone behind Jin.

"Oh. Is that Jungkook?" He asked Jin who turned to also look at the direction.

Both were surprised when Jungkook suddenly stood up to hug the person he is with and of course Jin knew who it was. He immediately turned away upon seeing the scene, with tears on the verge of falling.

Upon seeing that, he was not able to avoid hearing their faint voices as they laughed together.

"Jin, are you okay?" Hoseok asked.

"Y-yeah. Of course!" Jin said trying to smile. "I'm excited for the food." He said.

"We can move to---"

"No! I'm fine." Jin said as he tried to change the topic when Hoseok knows very well that he is not fine at all. He knows by now how the man is still into Jungkook even when he won't admit it.

✅ Completed: PerfidyWhere stories live. Discover now