Chapter 1 - Torn

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Perils of Peridea
Chapter 1

Torn. That's what Ezra was. In every way possible. Torn from his home. Torn from his family, his friends. Torn from everything and everyone he knew. Torn in his decision. Torn up inside. Torn up outside, his shoulder screaming and aching from the blaster wound after Thrawn shot him. One thing he couldn't tear himself of was from glaring at said individual. Thrawn. The one responsible for tearing him up and tearing him apart. He kept his focus, refusing to break, reaffirming himself of his decision, that this was the right choice to make, this is what he had to do. He had to be torn away to ensure the safety of everyone he knew and cared for and for the future of the planet he called home. But where would he end up, what planet would become his new home? His purgatory with an absolutely evil heartless roommate. What did he do in life to deserve this? It wasn't fair. But he knew life wasn't fair. He learned that very early on. When he meditated everything always came back to this, he couldn't escape it no matter how hard he tried. Everything both did and didn't make sense to him, and he finally realized how Kanan must've felt when he sacrificed himself in the fuel explosion. His heart ached. He knew there was a very strong chance he himself would end up in the same fate as his master. But it was the only choice he knew he could make. He had to listen to the Force and follow his destiny, like it or not. It was the only way. Was that the ultimate fate of a Jedi? To die protecting others? Having to give up attachments and then having to give up your life for them. Didn't sound like a desirable concept or life path, but so be it. He continued to stare down the bane of his existence. Whatever happened now would happen to them both. That was the idea anyway, that was the only comfort to this so called tainted victory. Ezra had to be ready to make that sacrifice and only hope for the best, and hold out for a miracle. He had to trust in his friends, his family, the way they put their trust in him. They knew he was counting on them. Ezra had to remain strong and firm, unwavering even tho inside every fiber of his being shook and trembled with the fear of uncertainty. His fate, and Thrawn's, rested with the Purrgil now. He trusted them, he knew he had to. But he still hurt, physically and mentally and emotionally. It all hurt.

Thrawn was staring back at him, looking down at him, down on him. What was he thinking, was he amused with this disappointment, this foolish situation? Space outside was racing by as the Purrgil tore them thru hyperspace. It was impossible to tell how much time had passed. How far had they gone? How far were they going? The tendrils held Thrawn tight in their grasp, but Ezra stood free, making this foolish journey decision willingly of his own volition. The only consolidation in his defeat, no this setback, was that Ezra would fall and fail as well. He hoped that shot in his shoulder hurt, hurt as deep as the feeling of loss and pain that was stabbing his heart from this reckless choice. Ezra stood panting, wobbling from the velocity, struggling to keep standing as the Purrgil jetted them thru countless systems. Thrawn was amused that Ezra was still wasting his energy using the Force to hold him in place with the Purrgil keeping him prisoner. He was obviously not going anywhere, but the boy was uncertain and afraid, steadfast and unmoving. But if that was how he chose to spend his final moments then Thrawn smirked that he didn't want to deny the teens last wish. Ezra was trembling, he could tell he was feeling space sick along with the drain of his strength. Whenever they arrived, wherever they were going, it would make killing him all that much easier. Or no, Thrawn changed his mind, he didn't want to kill Ezra, not yet anyway. He wanted to make him suffer. Suffer more than he already has. Suffer in every imaginable way possible. Thrawn had plenty of time to think of ways to calculatedly torment the boy, he titled his head back smugly. He heard Ezra growl and he smirked to himself, pleased that his calm demeanor was pissing the brat off.

Ezra began to wheeze and Thrawn peered down curiously. The broken glass had meant the loss of oxygen and the depleting of life support of the ship. The Purrgil had wrapped around it but it was not air tight, eventually they would become unable to breathe and perhaps even lose consciousness, which appeared to be the situation with Ezra. The heaving was rocking his body as he finally fell to his knees, his arms falling limply beside him. Thrawn knew he himself would pass out eventually, but Ezra was also injured and had foolishly used up his Force and energy on this farce, of course he would be the first to fall. Thrawn was more than fine with that. He wore a smile of satisfaction as Ezra glared up at him, his eyes fluttering and struggling to remain open. As his vision blurred he heard the sickening smooth voice, the blue devil mocking him with amusement, his cruel voice like an uncomfortable whisper deep in his ears.

"Good night, foolish little Padawan. See you on the other side...."

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