Chapter 5 - Walking With The Wounded

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Perils of Peridea
Chapter 5
Walking With The Wounded

The next morning Thrawn woke up at first light as he always did. He started the day with his morning stretches and vigorous workout routine. Ezra on the other hand liked his mornings spent sleeping in and being roused with a nice cup of caf. He sure did miss caf. He finally awoke as Thrawn finished his last set, returning to camp and wiping himself off with a towel. Ezra was always surprised when he saw him out of his admiral uniform. You wouldn't expect him to be so ripped! Thrawn had been right about being the brain and the brawn. Ezra was still right about the personality tho. Ezra grumbled and stretched stiffly as he sat up, sleeping on gravel was not very comfortable, injuries or not.

"Morning." Ezra said thru a large yawn.

"No, it was morning several hours ago." Thrawn replied.

"Nice to see you too." Ezra smirked. He crawled over to the pot and touched it gently, making sure it was cool. "Looks like the water has cooled off." He filled his bottles and then held out his hand for Thrawn's. He looked down at the boy and then handed them to him. "Hopefully the walk back won't be as rough, I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."

"Well Lothal was a very flat planet compared to the terrains of this world, I'm not surprised you wore out so easily. Then again, you don't have the same conditioning as I do. Perhaps I should go slower."

"Perhaps not, the sooner we get back the better."

"Then we should pack up and head out soon."

Ezra finished filling the bottles and handed them back, standing up to stretch out his back. He walked over to the water and looked down. He sighed, seeing his reflection. His hair was starting to grow back out and look scraggly. He didn't feel like cutting it, he missed having longer hair. He had regretted his decision to cut it but comforted himself in the fact that hair grows, he would let it grow back out until it was long again. His face looked weathered and worn and tired, dark circles under his eyes. He wouldn't be surprised if he started to wrinkle before he hit 20 at this point. He grimaced, if he even lived that long. He watched the water and closed his eyes, feeling himself get tugged by the Force into meditation. What was it trying to show him? He focused on the energy, concentrating deeply. Finally he gasped and opened his eyes.

"Thrawn!" Thrawn turned at Ezra's cry. He whirled around with a smile. "Fish! There's fish in this water! Or at least some sort of sea creature!"

"Really?" Thrawn walked over, highly interested at he possibility of a new source of protein. He looked down at the water, there was no movement, not a single ripple. "Are you sure?"

"I felt it! I felt it with the Force! I can get it" Ezra crouched down and was about to jump in when Thrawn gripped his arm.

"Shoulder." Thrawn pointed. "Don't get it wet, remember?"

"Well then how else do you suggest we catch it?"

"Don't be rash. Fishing is all about patience."

"Ugh. I hate being patient."

"Really? No surprise there." Thrawn droned sarcastically. So much for Jedi self control.

"Hey wait, the Force alerted me of the fish. Maybe I can use the Force to fish it out?"

Thrawn was shocked by the good idea, "You are more than welcome to try."

"Ok. I just need to focus, and you just need to be quiet."

"Wise words. Are you able to follow them yourself?"

"Oh shut up." Ezra rolled his eyes.

He went and sat down in front of the water in his mediation pose. Thrawn watched him with interest. He had never paid attention to when Ezra did his Jedi forms or practiced his mediation. Judging from his appearance it didn't do much as far as strength training or flexibility. He had no muscle tone and even his movements with the Force seemed stiff. He might be a great martial artist, he might be able to fight with a saber and a gun, but his skill set was remarkably low even with the ability to use the Force. Suddenly he saw Ezra's face twitch and he let out a strained sound as his body quivered.

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