Chapter 2

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Morella's Pov

Eleven years ago

The wind gently brushed my hair, caressing my cheeks as a few stray tears slipped past my eyes. I declared them traitors. Thankful that the sob stuck in my throat was more compliant than the liquid burning my eyes, although it wasn't by much. There was nothing I wanted more than to turn back, to go home and hug my mom. To sob in her arms as I confess everything that had been burdening my heart. But I couldn't do that now. It was too late for me.

Pulling me from my thoughts was a distant yell, too far away to distinguish what was said, or maybe it was closer than I thought and I had just pushed it to the back of my mind. Though I guess I'll never know.

I cast my eyes to the ground sitting many feet below me. More tears falling past my eyes as I think back on everything. My poor bear...he'll never understand.

"I'm so sorry..." the sob finally broke past my lips as I mutter broken apologies, every single one going unheard.

"I should have just let it be...I shouldn't have trusted him..I'm sorry!" The tears clouding my vision made it difficult to see where the ledge began and where it ended as my sobs became more powerful, more gut wrenching. I stumbled, trying desperately to regain my balance, to have just a few more minutes, even if it was just one.

I let out a loud yell as I feel a pair of cold arms roughly pull me off the ledge and back to safety.

"What the hell are you doing, Morella?!" His voice was angry and familiar, he shook me gently as the silence grew longer. I shivered, although I wasn't sure if it was from the adrenaline, the cold, or him. I pushed him away.

"What are you doing here.." my voice was weak, showing everything I had tried so hard to hide from him. His eyes, still filled with his overwhelming sadness and confusion as he answered.

"I come here when I need to get away, you know this." His voice didn' have as much anger as before, most of it replaced by sorrow as he continued, "What were you doing Morella?"

I shook my head, more tears making their way to my eyes. I couldn't answer. I couldn't say it. That would make it real, and I didn't want it to be real. His hand gently made its way to my chin, tipping my head up just enough for him to see my face.

"Morella, love, please.." his voice was killing me. It scratched and clawed away at my heart as he began to understand.

"Tell me I'm wrong. Tell me you weren't about to-" he stopped abruptly, unable to push the words past his lips as he looked at me, searching my face for any indication that he misunderstood.

I shook my head once more, squeezing my eyes closed as the tears I had tried so hard to contain spilled, this time not stopping.

"I promised I wouldn't lie to you." My voice barely above a whisper as I watched him process my words, his eyes filled with betrayal and desperation.

"No! Morella no! I'm not losing you, not like this." I let out a sob, this wasn't how it was supposed to go. He wasn't supposed to be here.

"I'm sorry...I..I need to do it.." my voice wobbled as I tried my hardest to contain my tears. This time it was him who shook his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06 ⏰

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