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⚠️ This book contains/mentions things such as:
- Suicide
- Self-harm
- Depression
- Bulling
- Rape and non-consequential sexual situations
- Abuse
- Violence
If any of these trigger you, please read with caution, any other trigger warnings will be added as the story progresses. ⚠️


The house was eerily quiet as Grace made her way inside. The front door closed softly as she began decompressing from her day. Taking off her shoes, letting down her hair, and placing her keys on their respective hook hung on the wall. Her stomach growled, begging her for food. Grace made her way to the kitchen, pulling out a few vegetables before she moved for the cutting board, placing it on the counter. She reached for an onion, her hand gently caressing a neatly folded piece of paper. She paused, the eerie feeling from earlier coming back, becoming more and more unsettling Gently, she grabbed the paper, unfolding it. A soft gasp escaped her mouth, heavy sobs began to echo throughout the empty house as she clutched the paper tightly to her hollow chest.

"Honestly, I don't know how to start this off. I never thought I would have to explain why I'm gone. Why I'm dead. You spend your life dreading your last moments, planning your last words, but once the moment comes to spell it out, you don't know what to say. So I guess I'll wing it, as dad would say.

     I know you'll probably be the one to find this note so it only feels right to start this off by addressing you. I love you. So fucking much. I wish we had more time together. We could have gone on that mother, daughter spa day you always wanted, get our hair done as I tell you about the boys I find cute and the jokes my friends and I make. Sometimes I wish I was more like you. You carry yourself with such confidence, not letting anything get to you. You make friends so easily and care so deeply. You love broken things and I guess that's one thing we have in common. The burning desire to save those who cannot be saved. To patch up everyone's wounds and forget about our own. To let ourselves bleed out if it meant they would live. Breaking down every fiber of our being to make them whole, abandoning our self-worth for our idea of who they could be. Maybe that's why I'm here. I couldn't let him drown in his demons. But I digress. Thank you for everything mom. You shaped me into the person I will die as. You sacrificed everything for me and Lucian and I couldn't be more grateful for the life you gave me, no matter how short it may be.

     First and foremost, I want to apologize for how I treated you. Sometimes I forget that my actions affect others and I hurt you more than I want to admit. Despite all our fights I want you to know that I love you more than I ever showed. While we weren't as close as I would have liked, you were always there for me. You raised me just as much as mom did and I'm so grateful for it. You taught me to stand up for myself and what I believe. You taught me to love unconditionally. To treat everyone equally, no matter what. I always did, even against my better judgment, after all, everyone deserves a chance, right? Even if everyone disagrees. Everyone deserves a chance to show their light. To get back on topic, I'm sorry, you'll never get to scare off boys or hold me when I cry over a break up. I'm sorry you'll never get to walk me down the aisle like you always wanted. I'm sorry.

Mom and Dad,
     I want you to know that this isn't something either of you could have prevented, my mind has been made up for months. I just wanted to clear things up before I go. This isn't your fault. Nothing either of you did pushed me over the edge. You were both so loving despite how I treated you, and I can't thank you enough for that. You gave me the life you never had, no matter what you had to give up, and I hope you continue to do that same for Lucian when I'm gone. Don't blame yourselves. You didn't miss any signs. You didn't ignore my cries for help. You didn't push me towards this. I hid everything from you. You can't help someone who doesn't want help, and I didn't want to be helped. I wish I could give you guys closure. I wish I could tell you why I'm doing this but I can't. Knowing would make it hurt so much worse and I just can't bring myself to hurt you guys anymore than I already have. I love you guys, forever and always
      - Your baby girl

     Everytime you're brought up, I call you the light of my life. You always brighten up the room with your childish curiosity and innocent joy. You never take anything for granted, you always try to help people in any way you can and you feel everything so deeply. That's how I know you'll take this just as hard. I'm going to be gone for a long time, Bear. I wish I could hold you one last time. I wish I could explain why I'm gone but you wouldn't understand. As much as you hate this excuse, it's true, you're just too young to understand. I love you, and I don't want you to resent me for this choice when you're older. I know it hurts, Bear. It'll hurt for a while before it gets better, but I promise you, it will get better. I'm sorry for the pain this will cause you. I'm sorry that I'll never get to meet your first girlfriend. I'm sorry that I'll never get to tell your fiance embarrassing stories and I'm sorry I'll never be able to tease you about everything I hated but secretly loved about you. As your older sister, it's my job to give you advice, to guide you. So to make up for the time lost, never forget your happiness, the most important thing in your life, is you. The only person guaranteed to stay with you throughout everything, is you. Don't let this stop you from making friends, they can be some of the best people in your life it you let them. With that said, take care of Mom and Dad, this is going to destroy them just as much as it will destroy you. Family is the most important thing in times like this. In times of loss and grief. One more thing before I go, I love you, Bear. I'm not doing this to hurt you or punish you, never to hurt you. I'm doing this for me, for you guys, in a way you'll never understand. I love you, forever and always my little sunshine.
      - Your annoying older sister

     I love you all so much it hurts. I'm sorry you couldn't see me one last time. I'm sorry you can't hold me while I cry. Whether you choose to believe it or not, this is for the better. You'll never have to worry about me again, so worry about each other instead. Have more family game nights, eat dinner together, go on more vacations,, take care of each other, because it's all of you, against the world. So one last time, I'd like my words to flow from this paper instead of my mouth and gently embrace you. To hold you close in any way I can as I prepare to take my last breath. To grieve with you for what could have been. I love you guys, never forget that. Even when I'm buried deep in the ground with nothing but the gentle caress of the dirt against my coffin to keep me company. I love you.
      - Your beloved Morella

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