Caroline and klaus: Together at last. sexy one shot

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This is a one time short story. Caroline approaches Klaus about Tyler and after stuff happenes they end up getting together. I have been rooting for Caroline and Klaus to hook up for a long time now, so I decided to write a scene where they do! Enjoy! BTWS Adult content in the end, so if your not into that then dont read it.

BTW: I (of course) Dont own anything to do with the Vampire Diaries, I simply wrote a story based on their show. The characters are theirs, with my own spin on their personalities.


. "Klaus!" Caroline shouted, bursting through the door, causing it to crash into the wall, leaving a hole big enough to see into the next room. The door splintered and fell part way off the hinges before everything was quiet.

Caroline stood just within the doorway scanning Klaus' home. Suddenly she flew back as she was slammed against the wall, being held in place by her neck.

"Hello love, what a pleasure it is to see you again... I would have been more than happy to open the door for you. But then again you have always been an attention seeker."

Caroline fell to a heap on the floor as klaus took a step back and dusted the dry wall off his shoulder. Turning around he pretended to be interested in the ruined wall.

Caroline moaned rubbing her neck as she gathered her composer. "you are such a jerk! I honestly don't know why anyone puts up with you! Oh wait... No one does, even your family can't stand to be in the same house as you!"

Caroline turned on her heel, prepared to leave, forgetting why she even came.

"oh, come on love." Klaus whispered, appearing suddenly in front of her, blocking the exit. "there's no need to bring the family into this. Now im quite sure you came for some other reason that to destroy my home and insult me. Tell me love, what is it you want?"

Caroline turned around slowly, glaring at klaus. "leave Tyler alone. It's bad enough you made him leave, he's gone now Klaus, So stop chasing him, stop trying to hurt him.... Please. I havent talked to him in months, and then one day he answers. He says he is so busy running from you that he has no time to contact me. He says you've been trying to kill him and he cant talk to me anymore because he cant ever come back! Let him come back, what is your problem!" Her face dropped as she tried to keep her emotions at bay.

Klaus went to touch her hand, to pull her into him. His eyes gazed down at her softly, but before he could do anything she turned around and sped into the forest. On impulse he followed her, desperate to clear his name. He's done some terrible things, but since Tyler has left he hasn't even tried to find him.

He found her kneeling by the lake mud lightly stained the tip of her cotton white dress. He snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her torso, pinning her arms to her chest.

"Now, usually love, I don't care what others think, but for some reason it's different with you, so do listen to what I have to say."

Caroline kicked her legs in attempts to break free, desperately needing to be away from him right now.

"As much as I am enjoying the view, would you care to stay still" klaus asked while struggling to contain her.

Caroline blushed a deep read as she noticed how high her dress had risen.

"what more could you possibly have to say" Caroline sighed, defeated.

"well love, for starters, I haven't looked for Tyler at all since he left... I May hate him, and if I ever see him again May feel inclined yo tear his heart out, but he is gone" klaus said sternly before turning Caroline to look at him. "and I have more important things to chase." He smiled rubbing his fingers down her cheek.

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