Part 22 : Which Truth?

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"The truth that can change your life and

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"The truth that can change your life and...Change our future forever is"


Soobin sighed "We can't do that Taehyun, They shouldn't know this before your and Beomgyu's marriage or else" Taehyun just nodded, clearly disappointed


"TAEHYUN! SOOBIN HYUNG!" both Taehyun and Soobin flinched and looked to see Hyuka standing there in his penguin onesies.

Soobin Chuckled "Little penguin, what happen?" He asked "You guys are no fun, Your husband and fiance are alone there and here you both are talking. Go and spend some time with them" Hueningkai proclaimed leaning against the door frame.

"Hyuka, stop behaving like you don't know" Taehyun said and Hyuka sighed "That's what is wrong. You both just take this as a responsibility, you both have to maintain this relationship for your whole life,so, atleast try to love eachother"

Soobin shook his head, not ready to accept that Hyuka had a point. Taehyun just stood there, expressionless.

"Hyuka, Let's not just talk about this alright?" Taehyun asked and Hyuka just nodded "Fine, but remember you both can belie but can't deny the truth that I have a point" Hyuka said before walking away

Meanwhile °

Yeonjun and Beomgyu were sitting in the garden that's when hyuka appeared "Hello there, Brother-in-laws" He greeted

"Hello" Yeonjun said and Hueningkai sat besides them at a safe distance
"You both are so beautiful and handsome" Hyuka stated making Both Yeongyu smile

"Your smiles are also very pretty, ngl, My both brothers are very lucky that they got you" Yeonjun smiled at his words "You are such a cute and sweet person, Hueningkai" Yeonjun stated and Hueningkai bowed to him in respect

"Thanks, My friend" he said making Yeonjun laugh "Don't be so formal" Yeonjun said and Hyuka nodded.

Beomgyu, however, stayed silent. Hyuka noticed it and said "Soon to be brother-in-law, what happen?" Beomgyu look at him "huh? Uh no nothing, I was just thinking about something" He said and Hyuka nodded

"Oh, is it so?"

Beomgyu nodded "Guys, I know you both are sad because you are forced to marry my brothers but please adjust with those idiots. They haven't knows what love is so they might not be able to give it to you or express to you." Yeonjun looked at hyuka, surprised

"They haven't?" Hyuka nodded and Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu who was also looking at him surprised.

"Please save them"


Just me completing it with 407 or so words. But make sure to comment, I will try to write long chapters

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