Part 24 : Danger

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"Another day with another life? Where I am nothing but a stone who can atleast live in peace"

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"Another day with another life? Where I am nothing but a stone who can atleast live in peace"


After what felt like an second, The day of marriage arrives. Yeonjun looked at soobin who was getting dressed up "How can you do this?" Yeonjun asked

"Do what?"

"Ruin both your and my brother's life. If you hadn't stopped Beomgyu from running away that day, This marriage--" Yeonjun was interrupted by Soobin who went to him and grabbed his shoulders

"This marriage might have been cancelled? That's what you want to say, right? What do you think,huh? We are Vampires. We can sense where the one human we are looking for is and then Your brother would have been dragged here and they would have been married then and there, no guests, no party, no decorations, direct marriage. It doesn't matter if Beomgyu or Taehyun agree or not" Soobin explained

"So...You stopped us because of that?" Yeonjun asked and Soobin nodded.
"Yeonjun,I also don't want Taehyun and Beomgyu to get married but We can't do anything, My dad is very powerful...too powerful that I can't even control him" Soobin proclaimed

Yeonjun stood there, Not knowing what to say.

Here, Hueningkai was helping Taehyun in getting ready for the marriage "You look amazing" Hueningkai stated "What is the use of being amazing when you are getting forced to do something" Taehyun said with no expression on his face.

Hueningkai sighed "Taehyun, Don't be so sad. Beomgyu is very nice, I know you both are forced to marry eachother but Trust me, It's worth it. Just start to Love eachother and everything will be fin--" Huening was interrupted when Taehyun slammed his hands on the dressing table, standing up.

"SHUT UP! I AM NOT LOVING HIM AT ALL!" Taehyun fell on th chair again "You know what happened last time, right? I don't want that mistake to repeat again.Ever. I hate loving anyone, I hate someone loving me." Taehyun said, breaking into tears.

Huening hugged him, trying to calm him down. It was the first time Taehyun cried like this infront of him, Yes, Taehyun broke into tears infront of him alot of times but this was different, He was not crying normally, he was crying too much, too much for a normal Vampire.

"Shh, it's alright. You have me, Soobin Hyung and Yeonjun Hyung" he said, not mentioning his parents intentionally "Y-Yeonjun Hyung?"

"Yes, You know that he loves you as his brother although you both aren't that close. He is with you, today and always." Huening said and Taehyun nodded backing away and wiping his tears.

You should always listen when people say never judge a book by it's cover. Ofcourse, it's the same here, Taehyun may LOOK LIKE he is rude and mean but inside that, he is a sweetheart, a soft boy who cares for everyone. But also a broken boy who was left with a broken heart which no one can fix till now.

Soobin, Watched the interaction from the door knowing the story damn well.

soobin sighed and murmured to himself "oh how much I wish that you and Beomgyu love eachother and he fixes your broken heart but..."

"Maybe not in this life. Someone else is waiting for you,maybe"

Soobin muttered not knowing that the fate is going to play a very Confusing yet amazing game where tables will turn and...What he wished for will be true.

Fate, It always played with them since day 1, Maybe, Just Maybe, soobin wanted Yeonjun by his side forever. And MAYBE just MAYBE Yeonjun also wants the same.

Nevermind, The story is getting too boring with all these not-so-important topic so let's get started.

Seoul, South Korea

A black haired girl stood at the forest looking at the lifeless body of..



Taehyun lay there, lifeless. He was still breathing, but...His body was paralysed.

"Now, you are only mine, neither your father nor your brother can take you away from me, Taehyun. And don't worry, soon my other soon-to-be husband will be here with my helper. And my helper, well, he will get your fiance, Don't mind okay? He will just marry him and use him, he won't hurt him at all" The girl spoke to the lifeless Taehyun.

She somehow picked Taehyun up and took him to the house near a river, it was a beautiful house painted in brown and white, it was Magestic from both inside and outside.

She lay him on the king sized bed and then lay beside him, Hugging him and stroking his face.

The house was far from her personality. Her personality was the definition of EVIL but the house spoke otherwise.

Here, Beomgyu looked at Himself in the mirror noticing how pale he got from not eating.

He was feeling weird since yesterday night, like someone precious of his is in danger but who? Yeonjun? But he is here, infront of his eyes. Parents? They are also here. Then who?

"Gosh, looks like my mood is so ruined due all this that I am now panicking at losing something precious." Beomgyu muttered, pacing around the room, trying to calm himself down and convince himself that none of his precious people are hurt, they all are here, infront of his eyes...maybe?


Forgive this lazy ass here, I am too lazy to write anything but I am trying to get out of my TOO MUCH SLEEP era(Heeseung biased problems) and also, My two new books are here. My love and silently, although they aren't Yeonbin, I hope you will once read them and give me a feedback. Also, don't forget to vote and comment, Magicians ✨ Love ya.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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