| 5 | the mom who stepped up

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Taylor stared at herself in the bathroom mirror, taking a deep breath to steady her nerves. She had faced stadiums full of screaming fans, critics who dissected every word she sang, but this—this was different. This wasn't just about her. This was about Travis's daughter, Ivy, and the delicate balance Taylor needed to find as she stepped into their world.

Travis appeared in the doorway, his presence a comforting reminder that she wasn't doing this alone. "You okay?" he asked softly, his voice filled with warmth.

Taylor nodded, managing a small smile. "Just...nervous."

"She'll love you," Travis assured her as he stepped closer to wrap his arms around her middle, resting his head between her shoulder and neck, giving her a comforting kiss in the spot. "It'll just take some time."

As they walked into the living room, Taylor spotted Ivy sitting on the floor, surrounded by a colorful array of stuffed animals and toys. The little girl looked up, her big brown eyes—so much like her father's—widening slightly at the sight of Taylor. She didn't say anything, just observed, her expression unreadable.

Taylor knelt down, trying to match Ivy's level. "Hi, Ivy. I'm Taylor," she said gently.

Ivy's gaze flickered over Taylor before she returned her attention to her toys, her silence a clear sign of her shyness. Taylor swallowed her disappointment, knowing this wouldn't be easy, "Who's this?" She asked, pointing to the pink bunny in Ivy's hands.

The young girl looked back at her father worriedly before glancing at Taylor with wide eyes, immediately going back to her teddy's, only now she dropped the bunny and picked up a brown bear instead.

She offered a small, hopeful smile before standing back up, giving Ivy some space.

The evening unfolded slowly, with Taylor doing her best to engage Ivy without overwhelming her. But Ivy was cautious, clinging to Travis whenever Taylor tried to interact with her. It was clear that Ivy wasn't ready to let someone new into her life yet.

Later, whilst Travis was putting Ivy to bed, Taylor sat on the couch, lost in thought. Eventually he joined her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as he sat next to her. "She'll come around," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her temple. "It's just going to take time."

Taylor nodded, leaning into his embrace, resting her head onto his shoulder. She knew this was important—to both of them. But it still hurt to see Ivy so distant, so unsure of her.


Months passed, and Taylor slowly became a more regular presence in Ivy's life. She joined Travis and Ivy for weekend outings, helped with dinner when she stayed over, and even tried to bond with Ivy over shared activities. But Ivy remained cautious, never fully warming up to Taylor's presence.

One chilly December afternoon, the three of them were in the backyard building a snowman. Ivy was bundled up in her puffy coat, her cheeks flushed from the cold. Travis and Taylor worked together to roll the snowballs, while Ivy carefully arranged the sticks for the snowman's arms.

When it came time to add the finishing touches, Taylor pulled out a scarf and a carrot nose. "How about we give him a nose?" she suggested, holding out the carrot to Ivy.

Ivy looked at the carrot, then up at Taylor. There was a moment of hesitation before she shook her head and took a step back, moving closer to Travis instead.

Taylor's smile faltered, but she quickly recovered. "That's okay," she said, gently placing the carrot on the snowman's face. "He looks great, don't you think?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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