Ch.2 Life isn't Fair

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(NO matter how hard I try....People just don't want me to help....I try to help, "uhm..I'll get someone else to do it, don't bother..." It's always the same line over and over again. I'm trying my best dad's, but..... how am I supposed to prove them?... I'm more than a curse. I'm a human with feelings just like them....How...)


Bennett was holding his dad's hand as he slowly died.

"Dad.....please don't leave me...I don't want to be alone...your all i have left..."

"Bennett *cough* My time is running out. soon, I'll be on my last adventure with the others in the heaven's.... *cough* Listen closely, Bennett.... People will be afraid of you they will keep their distance, but at some point, there will be people who wouldn't mind being friends with you, and when that day comes *cough* hold them dearly....and one last thing...."


"Prove the people of Mondstadt that you are more than a curse. You are a human being..... help them.... protect them even if they don't treat you right be better than them *cough* You are Bennett who will one day be the greatest adventure alive... *cough* Promise us you won't hate the people of Mondstadt..."

"I...I promise you... I'll protect the people of Mondstadt, and I'll make them see me as a person....I promise you, dad..."

"Hehe*cough* If I ever had a son, I'd wish he would be just like you. Thank you for taking care of all of us, Bennett..."

Bennett held his dad's hand as his dad smiled and his life left his body.

Bennett cried in agony and fell onto his knees.


People of the cathedral came in and grabbed Bennett, trying to take him out of the room.


Bennett reached out to his dead dad as he was getting taken out of the room.


(It's been a year now. If only yall were here, dad's....)

Bennett was sitting against a wall looking down at his hands.

"Hey, we're looking for Bennett!."

Bennett picked his head up and looked at a young man from the Adventurer's Guild.

"That's me...."

"Uhm...Cyrus wants to speak to you...."

The boy had an uneasy face.

"Oh, alright, I'll go talk to him then....thanks for telling me."

Bennett slowly got off the floor and walked towards the boy's way. The young boy quickly got out of bennett's way, trying to avoid eye contact and any contact.

(What does Cyrus want from me?....Hmm.....maybe a new tale he wants to tell me?....he loves telling his adventure's...I guess I'll have to wait and see!.)

Bennett made it to the Adventurer's Guild HQ.
And saw Cyrus waiting for him outside.

"Ah, bennett, it's nice to see you!."

Bennett smiled.

"Nice to see you too, Cyrus!."

"I got something to tell you...."

Bennett could tell Cyrus was anxious.

"W..what is it?."

"Let's talk inside, alright..."

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