august 21st

67 8 0

this chapter was written a little differently, i hope you like it.



[incoming call: unknown number]

   "you'll never guess what i did yesterday," i boast proudly, waiting for ashton's chirpy response.

   "what?" he counters in a voice just as excited as mine. 

   i giggle. "i went clubbing."

   he's silent for a moment and i'm not entirely sure on whether that's a bad thing or a good one. i bite my lip in anticipation for his response. "ash?" i ask.

   there's shuffling on the other line. "what? el, are you there?" the phone's cutting out?

   all of the sudden, a loud crash of thunder echoes throughout the sky, shaking the ground beneath me and turning out all the power. i look down at my phone. "ash?" i repeat. 

   this time the line is clear. "what the hell was that?" he inquires.

  "a storm cut my power," i tell him.


"are you kidding me?" i groaned, turning my attention out the window. i watched the pouring rain bounce off the street and hit the windows. there were very few spots remaining dry and it had only started raining a few seconds ago.

"oh my god," alli agreed. "how are we going to find them in this?" 

i shrugged my shoulders. i really couldn't think of a reason that anyone would be outside in this weather, much less the boys. i just refused to give up. "are you ready?" i asked.

alli gave me an incredulous look. she had her perfectly sculpted eyebrows raised and even i had to admit, she made me feel like an idiot. "why not?" she finally said, slinging her purse over her shoulder. i followed her into the garage and we both got into her car  her in the driver's seat and me in the passenger's side. then, we set off for the streets of los angeles. it was only a half-hour drive. when we got there, i unplugged my iphone from the car charger and opened my twitter and instagram, scrolling through update accounts and the boys of 5 seconds of summer's medias. there was nothing.

alli sighed. "they're probably in the hotel, do you know where that is?" 

"no," i huffed. she pulled over and grabbed her own phone and for a couple of minutes, it was silent. when i looked over, i saw her texting somebody, though i wasn't sure who. anyhow, it didn't matter, because in that moment ashton had posted a photo. 

"alli!" i shrieked. "he's at holly's cafe, look." i shoved my phone in her direction and she pried it out of my hands, her fingers nervously tapping on the back of my phone case. 

"okay," she began. "type it in on the maps app and we'll start there?"

i did as i was told. i really hoped ashton was there  maybe with the other boys as well. there was a feeling in my chest that wouldn't go away, because maybe he had already left. 

siri started speaking and alli and i sped through the streets, heading for the cafe that she told us was on the left. seconds later, we pulled into the lot and jumped out, but not before fixing our hair and makeup and adjusting our outfits. we were stalking, in a way, and i wasn't sure how i felt about that.

alli and i walked into the cafe and there he was in all his glory. my friend took one step forward and gave me an expectant look, but i was frozen. this moment had replayed inside my head so many times that i wasn't sure if it was real or what i should do. 

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