chapter two

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The next morning my alarm brutally ripped me out of my sleep. I groaned but got up anyways. I had a lot to do that day. So, I got myself ready, had some breakfast, and got on with my day.

I decided to drive to Target first, since I would get most of the stuff I needed there. After buying all of the stuff I would need for my classroom, I drove up to the school again. I was so excited to finally decorate it. In my time in school, none of the teachers really cared about the atmosphere they created, and it never felt like a nice place to learn in, so I was determined to change that for my students.

I gathered all of the things from the trunk, and as I was walking over to the entrance a certain someone caught my eye. The team was practicing on the football field again, and I couldn't quite tear my eyes away from Travis. He stood there so tall and handsome. Seriously Taylor, get a grip. But what could I do. He's attractive.

He noticed that I was staring and stared right back at me, but this time he had a smirk plastered on his face. A flush of embarrassment surged through my body and painted my face red, and I quickly hurried over to the school's entrance.

Trying to forget about this, I made my way over to the office as fast as possible and inside CeCe gave me my keys and my teacher ID. Thankfully the photo looked good, because usually they looked really weird when they are actually printed on the ID.

"Come with me my dear. I'm going to show you the way to your classroom." Before I could tell her that that wouldn't be necessary, she was already off, and I quickly followed behind her.

"Thank you so much for doing this but Owen already gave me a tour yesterday." I said kindly not wanting to sound ungrateful about this nice gesture.

"Oh Owen. Of course he did. He is always so happy to help. He's made a habit of taking in the new arrivals at this school. Well, I'm going to go with you anyway. It's really lovely talking to you. You remind me a little bit of my daughter." She showed me a loving smile, and my heart grew 3 sizes in that moment. I was really touched by her words. I already knew we were going to have an amazing relationship.

"Thank you. Thank you for saying that. You know, my first thought when I met you, was that you remind me of my mother." She took my hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze and smiled at me.

"You know, if you need anything at all my dear, whether it be school related or not, don't hesitate to come down to my office, ok?", she said.

"Thank you."

We kept on walking and as we arrived at my classroom, I thanked her again and she left. I took my keys out of my purse, unlocked the door to the class, and stepped inside, smiling to myself. I was so excited to finally have my own classroom again.

I got right into it. I started unpacking things, rearranging the furniture, and decorating. But after about 30 minutes I noticed that I forget my computer in my car. So, I left the room and headed back to the parking lot. I quickly rushed over to my car, and suddenly I tripped. I rolled my ankle and fell to the floor. Pain was shooting through my ankle, and I tried to put some weight on it, but it was no use. "SHIT." In the shock and pain that I was feeling, I didn't notice that somebody came rushing up beside me.

"Hey are you ok?" A deep voice asked me. I looked up at who was talking to me and was pleasantly surprised to see Travis standing over me.

"Yeah, no I'm good. I just fell. Tripped over something, I think." I tried to lie but the pain that I was feeling was obviously written all over my face.

"Sure." He crouched down beside me. Looking at me for permission to take a look at my ankle. I just nodded my head. "That looks pretty swollen. May even be broken. Does it hurt when I do this?" He gently pressed his fingers on it, and I winced out in pain. "Ok, I'll take that as a yes. Can you move it at all or put weight on it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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