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I'm happy you decided to read this story and before it begins, I wanted to say some things.

I'm from Germany and this story is set in the United States. I have a vague idea of how things work over there but still there will probably be a lot of mistakes regarding how I describe the school system, the general construct of society, and probably language wise. If there are some major mistakes, feel free to leave constructive (!) criticism. I'm open to learning new things. 

Other than that I want to say that, yes this is technically a story about real people, but I took the liberty to change their personas in a way that is far off from reality, so any actions or "character changes" are not to be associated with their real life counterparts. That is really important to me, as I don't want you to draw conclusions about real life people based on a characters action in a fictional story. After all, this story is set in an alternative universe. 

I have also decided that I will not be putting additional trigger warnings before heavier chapters. I'm warning you now; I have this story planned out with some heavy topics that will definitely not be easy to digest, such as mentions of (sexual) abuse, suicide, self-harm, and more in that direction so read carefully. If you feel like these topics are not something you can handle, this story is not for you, and I advise you not to read it. If you do decide to read it though, I don't take any responsibility for whatever may happen. Though if you are struggling with something, and have no one else to talk to, you can come to me, my ears are open, and I know what it's like to feel alone when dealing with, and how hard that is.

Also, most of this is indeed fictional, though I do plan to incorporate some moments from my own personal experience. There will be extra notes on that, when it happens, so I'm asking you to be respectful, with those chapters and storylines. (IF I actually decide on that.)

I'll try to update around once a week, and I'll try to keep each chapter at around 2k words. I personally like chapters on the shorter side. (I'll really try to leave nobody hanging here.)

Ok, now I think that was enough yapping from me, so let's get started. I hope you enjoy :)

So High School - tayvis auWhere stories live. Discover now