They Watch A Movie Together

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*Ellingtons P.O.V*

"I'M BOORREEDD" my girlfriend Rydel whined. "That sucks babe" I said to her with a chuckle. She lifted her head from the pillow her head was dug into and looked at me with her hair in her face. Next thing I knew, there was a pillow flying my way and...


 I got smacked in the face with a pillow. "Hey that's not very nice..." I said to her with a pouty face. "It wasn't me" Rydel exclaimed with a slight giggle.

"Oh okay so Rocky did it?" I asked while raising one of my eyebrows.

"Yea! So rude I know" She said while shaking her head and laughing.

I just chuckled at her while she dug her face once again into the pillow. "I was gonna suggest we do something" I said to her after a moment of silence. Rydel rose her head up once again with a smile on her face. "What's your suggestion?" She asked me eagerly. 

"Well I'm not going to tell you now because I got smacked in the face with a pillow." I said while closing my eyes and crossing my arms. "But It was Rocky that did that!" She said with a smile on her face. "Hmhmh, I'm still not going to tell you." I said to her while opening my eyes but my arms still remaining crossed.

"BABE PLEAASSEEE" Rydel pleaded while coming over to me and giving me a big hug.

"Hmhm..." I hummed while putting on my thinking face. "Nope, still not going to tell you" I said while giving her a smirk

Rydel stuck her tongue out at me followed by her walking back to her original spot on the other couch. "Talk about rude boyfriend" Rydel said while crossing her arms. "Maybe I could tell you If I got a smooch on the lips" I said while pouting out my lips. Rydel smiled widely as she ran over to me to then smash her lips on mine. Her lips were so soft and sweet; I wanted it to last forever.

After a few seconds, Rydel finally pulled away and smiled at me. She was sitting on my lap while her hands were on my cheeks. "I gave you a big smooch mister. Now what's your suggestion?" Rydel asked again while smiling. 

"Well, we could watch a movie while cuddling and eating popcorn." I suggested. "Yea I love that idea! I'll go make the popcorn!" Rydel exclaimed while giving me a peck on the cheek followed by her running into the kitchen.

I got up off the couch and started searching for a movie Rydel and I could watch. "BABE WHAT TYPE OF MOVIE DO YOU WANNA WATCH?" I yelled to her in the kitchen

"I DON'T CARE, ANY MOVIE WORKS" She yelled back at me. I saw a movie that I knew Rydel wouldn't want to watch but I asked her anyways because I love her reaction.

"HEY BABE DO YOU WANT TO WATCH 50 SHADED OF GREY?" I jokingly asked her.


I laughed at her reaction. "YES BABE IM JOKING." I said back to her. I kept looking through the movie case for a good movie and we would enjoy. I had no idea what to pick so I just pulled out a random movie. "Hey babe do you wanna watch The Wedding Ringer?" I asked while opening the case to find the DVD inside. "Sure why not." Rydel said while walking into the room with a bowl of popcorn. 

I placed the movie  in the DVD tray and closed it. I pressed play on the remote and walked over the windows to close the curtains so the room has a dark, cozy feeling. Once all the curtains were closed, I went to go grab a blanket that Rydel and I could use to cuddle under. Once I sat besides Rydel, I rested the blanket over us both and pulled her into me so she was lying on my side; my arm being around her waist. The popcorn was in my lap and we both would feed each other popcorn and from time to time we would jokingly throw it at each other. 

The movie finally started and so far we were getting a kick out of it. The moment was just perfect. Cuddling with your significant other while watching a comedy movie and throwing around popcorn. It was a nice way to spend our afternoon. 


"Oh god that's gotta hurt!" I reacted to the scene on the TV. "Oh babe It wasn't that bad!" Rydel said to me with a laugh. "That would totally hurt!" I exclaimed while pointing to the TV. "Oh stop complaining" Rydel said with a slight giggle. "I won't stop complaining unless you kiss me" I said while giving her a wink. Rydel looked away from the TV and towards me. She smiled at me and finally pressed her lips against mine.

I smiled into the kiss and put my hand on the back of her head. The kiss got rougher by each second. I slightly bit down on Rydel's bottom lip making her quietly moan and  open her mouth. I took that opportunity to slid my tongue into her mouth. The kiss got very heated and at this point, It was a complete make out session on the couch.

"What the hell are you two doing?!" I heard someone exclaim at the door. Rydel and I immediately pulled away from each other and looked at the figure standing in the doorway.

"He-Hey Rocky..." I awkwardly said to him. "We were just watching a movie! N-nothing else..." Rydel said while slightly laughing. "You guys weren't even watching the TV because you were to busy sucking faces." Rocky joked. I could feel a deep blush come to my face. "I'm just playing with you guys" Rocky laughed at us.

He would tease us on anything we did. When were holding hands, or if were cuddling, or even if were looking at each other. But, he is the captain of the Rydellington ship anyways and we've gotten used to It at this point.

"Rocky don't tell anyone about this or you won't live to see the next day" Rydel threatened. "I won't, I won't! Rocky said while putting his hands up in surrender. "Okay thanks" I said relieved. I definitely don't what Riker or Ross finding out I was making out with their sister on the couch.

"Just make sure to use a condom!" Rocky yelled at us before running off. "ROCKY" Rydel and I both shouted.







Sorry for the long wait! I didn't really know what to write about to I just came up with this Idea. I'll try to update more frequently though! Thanks for over 700 views and over 45 Votes! You guys rock<3

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