Getting Together

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*Rydel's P.O.V*

We had just finished rehearsals for the band. We have just practiced playing 'All Night' and It sounds really good. I really think the fans will like it. I was walking up to my room until I was stopped by a hand gently grabbing my arm. "Hey" a familiar voice behind me said. I turned around to see Ellington. "Hi" I said back to him with a smile. "So... rehearsals are finished and I don't have anything planed for the rest of the day, so I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to the beach?" he asked. I smiled at his sweet personality "I would love to go to the beach with you" I said to him with a slight blush coming to my cheeks. "So, we'll leave at about... 5:00? "Yeah that'll work" I said to him. "Awesome! See you in a bit" He said with a smile; followed by him walking off into the direction of the living room. I did a small squeal and jumped up and down. I was so happy and excited for this beach dat- I mean... hang out. Yea, beach hangout.

 I ran upstairs to then change into some beach-like clothing. I threw on a sleeveless shirt with light blue ripped jeans. I looked at the clock to see it was 4:52pm. I then ran to the closet to get a burgundy colored sweater just in case it gets a bit chilly. I rapped my sweater around my waist and grabbed my sunglasses along with my phone. I then returned to my closet to get a bag to put all my stuff in. I didn't bother putting on that much make up besides some lip gloss. "RYDEL ARE YOU READY?!" A voice yelling from downstairs. I knew it was Ellington calling me downstairs to leave for the beach. "YEA I'M ON MY WAY DOWN" I yelled back down to him. I picked up my bag and  walked out of my room and headed downstairs to meet Ell waiting at the door for me. He looked at me with a smile on his face. "You look nice" he said showing off him dimples. I smiled and I could feel myself starting to blush. "Thanks" I said to him. "Let's get going!" he said in an excited tone. He opened the front door and we walked towards the car. I gratefully thanked him as he opened the passenger seat for me. After I was seated , he walked around to the drivers seat and got in. "Are you excited? Because I'm very excited" Ell said to me as he started the car and started to back out of the driveway. "I'm VERY excited" i said to him, emphasizing 'VERY'. He chuckled and then we headed towards the beach.


After about 20 minutes, we finally made it to the beach. It was beautiful and the weather was perfect for being at the beach. Ellington got out of the car and walked around to my side and opened the door for me. I got out and thanked him with a smile. "Wanna start off with a walk on the beach?"  he asked me as he closed the passenger door. "I would love to!" I said and Ellington looked at me with a smile and we started walking down towards the shore.


"Oh my gosh did she really do that!?" I said with slight laugh. "Yea she did! It was so weird and awkward..." Ellington said with a small chuckle. We were talking about how a fan has once full on grabbed Ell's butt which was funny yet also awkward for Ellington. I laughed at his comment. He then looked at me with a small smile and furrowed his eyebrows. He gave me a slight nudge which caught me off guard and made me fall into the shallow cold water. "ELLINGTON!" I yelled at him and quickly got up out of the water because it was very cold. I hear fits of laughter coming from Ellington as I wiped off water from my face. "Oh my gosh that was so good!" Ell said in between laughs. I rolled my eyes then an idea came to mind. I grabbed Ell by the arm and pulled him into the water. I watched as Ellington fell into water and I burst out into fits of laughter just like he did. Ellington emerged from the water and flipped his hair so it was out of his face. "NOT COOL RYDEL. NOT COOL" He hissed to me. I was laughing until I felt cool water hit my face in an instant. I then realized I had been pulled into the water, most likely from Ellington. I swam back up to shore and wiped my face. At this point, both me and Ell were soaked and in the water swimming around. "I hate you" I jokingly said to Ell as I swam over to him. "Nope, you love me" He said with a grinned. I couldn't help but smile at him. We then splashed each other for a bit and then got out of the water and headed to the shore to dry off. After we finished drying off we sat down on a blanket and watched the sunset. We were sitting very close to each other; leaving no space between our bodies. We were sitting in silence for a bit until I decided to say something. "The sunset is really beautiful tonight don't cha think?" I said to him with a smile, still looking towards the sunset. "Yea, It is." he quietly said after a few seconds. "But it's not as beautiful as the girl sitting besides me" he then turned to look at me. I felt a deep blush come to my face as I looked down at my lap. I then felt two fingers on my chin; pulling my head towards Ell. "I really mean it Rydel. Your beautiful and you honestly make me so happy. Touring the world with the band is one thing, but touring it with you makes it 100X better. I'm really happy I get to spend all of my time with you and If it wasn't for The Rage, I wouldn't have meet the girl that makes me feel so special and so happy everyday ." Ell poured his heart out to me. "D-Do you really mean that Ell?" I asked him, tears starting to form in my eyes. "I really do." I gave him a wide smile as we just stared into each others eyes. We then started to lean into until I felt his soft lips on mine. I felt sparks and fireworks go off in my stomach. After about 10 seconds, we pulled away from each other and returned smiles to one another. I then leaned on his shoulder and we intertwined our hands, putting out attention back to the sunset. "I really really like you Rydel and I want to be with you. Will you make me the happiest guy in the world and be my girlfriend?" I giggled and smiled at how sweet and romantic this was. Cuddling with the guy you have feelings for while watching the sunset on the beach; then to have an amazing kiss followed by him asking you to be his. It's pretty much the best situation you could ask for. "Yes Ell. I would love you be your girlfriend." I said with a smile growing on my face. We then faced each again and shared a kiss once again.




Hey guys! Second chapter for the second day! WOOOO! Thanks for the votes and comments on my last chapter! I'll try to update at least 2 or more a week. If you have any Rydellington Requests, you can comment them and I'll write them :) Don't forget to Vote and Comment!

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